Tokkat's Homecoming
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[Solved] Tokkat's Homecoming

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Tokkat's Homecoming

Tokkat paced back and forth in his cabin aboard the Akul’s Bite. The diminutive Ewok had felt uneasy ever since the Battle of Rishi, but had struggled to pinpoint why. 

Tokkat had been only minimally involved as the forces of the Third Volunteer Fleet managed to rout the occupying forces on the planet. The invaders had been a brutal but crude force and the combined powers of the volunteer fleet, independent fringers that lived on the planet, and the indigenous Rishii species had won the day with casualties lower than expected. Yub nub!

Den - no, it wasn’t the battle itself. Tokkat had been involved in many such forays since he’d left his homeworld of Endor some five years earlier. Instead, the light-haired Ewok kept returning to the post-battle debriefs, especially with the avian Rishii. He’d learned the planet been colonised by pirates for several thousand years, yet the Rishii were still low tech and lacked meaningful self-determination. 

Yub yub, that frustrated Tokkat, but also wasn’t uncommon.

What was different this time is that shortly after the battle, the Ewok had word from his home village. His cousin Wombo had been killed, a suspected gorax attack. How could his village still be vulnerable to such predators? 

Choo doo! After all, it was more than 5 years since Tokkat’s tribe had played a crucial role defeating the Empire on Endor. Surely the New Republic owed it to his people to support them to rise above such privations? 

That was at the crux of his discomfort. Here Tokkat was helping other peoples rise up and protect themselves.  Why wasn’t he using his contacts, his experience, his efforts to advance his own kind? What was he doing for his own people? 

Not enough.

His mind made up, Tokkat convinced his commanding officer to detour to the Endor system and donate some surplus kit. He requisitioned a small snubfighter, an “ugly” cobbled together from Y-wing nacelles, an X-wing main fuselage and assorted other parts. At least the starfighter had a cohesive colour scheme - a garish bright yellow. He dubbed the ship, the ‘Sunstar’. 

Noot tana - it was time to return home!

Build notes

Tokkat first appeared in my bridge scene for Episode II, seen here. As I mentioned then, Tokkat appears in the Legends comic Dark Empire. The 'sunstar' appears as an artefact in the Ewoks cartoons.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn

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