[U6 - Mon Calamari ...
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[Solved] [U6 - Mon Calamari - SCS] Above the waves

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"Lieutenant, we're preparing to make the jump. Ready the fighters."

"Acknowledged, captain. May I ask, how did you acquire a new batch of willing pilots?"

"Concern yourself with such matters again and I'll send you to the Molavar work camps. Dismissed."

"Yes Sir, I apologise Sir."

The captain turned to address the pilots in a  lower voice. Something wasn't quite right with them. They shambled along into the hangar, almost spastic in their movements. Still they seemed obedient. Were they droids?



12 standard hours earlier, Dac council chambers


The Mon Calamari Senator sunk further into his chair. He hadn't slept in almost two days.

"We are receiving more reports than we can count. Four harbors on fire, five more in complete disarray. Offworlders are scrambling to get orbitside."

"Any new on when that damn Endor class is getting here?" 

"Nothing so far. It seems to have diverged its path to help stabilise riots on Jedha. Imperial troopers have been spotted in New Jedha city."

"Anything else?"

The Senator wished to hide behind his chair, to forget about the drug and the riots and the pirates picking off the fleeing ships.

"We've been offered aid."

"From whom?"

The Senators eyes lit up from the first time in weeks.

"They wouldn't say, but they seem to posses a certain number of salvaged imperial ships. There is a heavy imperial walker division in the Volunteer groups. It isn't unheard of."

A year ago anyone on Mon Cala would have scoffed at the idea of any ship produced by the Empire providing them aid. 

"Authorise them to disperse of any pirates they can find."

"But Sir, imperial ships in our orbit, your approval rates -"

"Are already in the dirt. I'm out of options."

He rose out his chair and gazed out of window. Another fire was raging in the industrial district. 

Smoke was rising out form every corner of his view.

The Capital was burning.


15 standard hours later, Mon Calamari Orbit

The Lecherous Trader narrowly avoided another shot. Two small Ties on their tail, an Quasar carrier in the distance. It's dirty silver hull couldn't take another one.

"Those pilots really are zealous."

Lak said this to no one in particular. His hands gripped the controller even tighter.

Another evasive maneuver. They still followed him, now even closer.

Another missed shot. He turned towards the planet - it looked so blue from orbit. Yet so many rich ships were feeling from it. This was supposed to be an easy job. 

The TIE cockpit was cramped, pipes and machined parts pording from each angle. The windscreen was engulfed by a flash for a second, as a dirty silver ship went up in flames. The Mission was done. Complete the mission, he thought. He once had a name. Complete the Mission - he turned off the life support. 

The thing they put inside his head started heating up. Complete the mission.

He turned the self destruct key, his hands slick with sweat under the combat gloves.

Complete the mission. His head was throbbing. Make it stop. Please. Complete the mission. Complete th-


Behind the scenes


So much to talk about. Really happy I did these spaceships justice, especially the smuggler/pirate ship that got a complete redesign. The hangar is quite basic, but still had a lot of fun putting it together. Really wanted to keep the story of Mon Cala in focus but also bring in the dark undertones of the SCS in as well. You can find the links to the previous two parts of the trilogy in the comments. 


This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn

Posted : 02/09/2022 6:04 pm
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader
Topic starter

Links to the previous parts:



This post was modified 3 years ago by Simulterious

Posted : 02/09/2022 6:04 pm
Posts: 36
Rising Member Haelos Star Yards

This is awesome, love the build and editing, great story! The hanger shot is just beautiful!

"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

Posted : 02/09/2022 8:51 pm
Shockwave bricks
Posts: 118
Trusted Member Bryx Security Bureau

Mindbogglingly evil, I love it!


Posted : 05/09/2022 10:22 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

This entry has earned 18XP

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 15/10/2022 10:49 am