This entry has earned 11XP
"My city is one of the largest on the planet, the heart of our industry. Your proposal - "
"Will keep your profits safe, ensure your position and open up your rise to further power."
"I can't allow you to bring that here! I won't bargain lives for credits. You're not negotiating with the Empire but a free world of the New Republic!"
"Then it doesn't concern you that your son has taken quite a liking to it?"
"You wouldn't dare touch him! I'll have your head right -"
"And then what? You can't undo your meetings with us. If you want to keep what you have and your son..."
He glanced at the representative, clad in black and wearing a rebreather over his sickly skin.
"If I do this thing for you, will that be the end?"
"As long as you're of use, you'll be used. The relevant documents will soon reach you. I trust that altering a few manifests won't be difficult? After all, who wouldn't do such a small thing for his family?"
Behind the scenes
I’m a sucker for an underwater build, so my first focus is in the underwater plants. These look great and very organic. The leaves in the dishes work well.
Followers of the Force
New Jedi Order
Brilliant work, I agree the underwater plants are magnificent, and shaping of the build is very distinctive
This entry has earned 11XP
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries