[U6 - Mon Calamari ...
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[Solved] [U6 - Mon Calamari - SCS] On the surface

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"We are most honored to welcome you to Dac city, senator."

The Bith shuffled along in thick blue brocade,his rings making a soft clinking sound. A regally dressed human woman was with him, together with a security guard.

"The honour is all mine. Please, lead the way."

"We apologise for having you land in the second tier harbor, but with the ports being so busy an unannounced visit -"

"It is no bother. We are fortunate to see the more colorful side of Dac in person."

Travellers and dock workers scurried about them, plenty of Calamari and Quarren working the stations and the catch of the day. One was smoking something a roll of some herb dressed in black porous seaweed parchment.

"Over there, is that the substance we were told about?"

"It is - pointless to even try and stop him. It isn't even illegal, yet."

"But we were told that Gillrot..."

"Aye Senator, it kills if you consume it long enough."

The Zabrak escort wore a rebreather over his standard uniform.

"If I may ask, did you recently acquire your post?"

"I know you're meaning, Senator. Aye, I'm a refugee, was part of the peacekeeping force."

"I'm terribly sorry. The tragedy of Iridonia is still in recent memory for the -"

"Please, I don't need your condolences. I'm here to make sure this world doesn't go though the same thing."

"We are aiming to pass emergency laws to ban the drug, but the damage to the population is already excessive. The Quarren suffer no side effects and continue to stonewall any attempt to regulate it on a local level. I fear that old tensions might arise if things continue like this."

They passed by a Mon Calamari worker, slumped against a corner of an industrial water plant. His skin was dry and flaky, his breath ragged and wet. On their way to the Tube transport they saw more, begging for credits.

All throughout the harbor, cloudy tired eyes stared at them. 


Behind the scenes


Quite a fun build, though not a large as I would have liked. The ship really became the starr of the show though, really had fun with it. Hope I managed to capture the industrial but smooth look of the planet. The minifigs were also a ton of fun as well, especially the native dock workers.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn

Posted : 02/09/2022 5:29 pm
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Darth Bjorn
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Posted : 15/10/2022 10:50 am