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Comander Rovern
Posts: 80
Trusted Member Crim Empire
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Inside of the Mt. Tantis Stormtrooper Training Academy

After months of brutal training, extreme exercise, and test of loyalty, the first squad of Stormtroopers graduate from the new Mt. Tantis Stormtrooper Training Academy. These recruits were brought from all over SCS territory and with the help of retired ISB officials and multiple SCS groups, this program has proven a stunning success. Only the finest are able to survive this program as both the simulations and Wayland's harsh jungles play no favorites. This academy, out of sight from the New Republic, will produce many soldiers to the Imperial cause to re-establish order to the galaxy.


Troopers! Today marks the end of your training and the beginning of your career of bringing order back to the galaxy! You are no longer cadets, but bearers of justice to the galaxy. By making it this far, you have proven your loyalty and endurance that is needed in these pressing times. May we prosper together in this new future you are now help making. Troopers, Hail the Society, Hail the Empire, and may our Emperor's Death not be in Vein! - Said Junior Director Lexi 

Hail the Society! Hail the Empire! - Said the Cadets 

This concludes your graduation. You are Trooper Squad 001 now. Because you are the first squad to graduate from this new academy; and because you have excellent in all maters of skill, you have the privilege of becoming the first Stormtrooper Squad under Pheonix Squadron. However, do not think it will be easy. We still have a long road ahead to re-establish order. Graduates, you may now put on your helmets remember though, that this act cements your loyalty to our order and you will do anything to see its success. Welcome to the Empire! - Concluded Junior Director Lexi 


Commander, Left to Right: Lt. Kerga, Junior Director Lexi 

Squad 001: The first of many Stormtrooper Squads to graduate from the Mt. Tantis Stormtrooper Academy and the newest edition to Pheonix Squad. May their loyalty be proven in combat and skill. 

Man, I can't believe it. This is almost it. This storyline is about to end! Thank you all for being patient with me as life is crazy. Hope you enjoy reading. I can not wait to see where these troopers go! Hail the Society, Hail the Empire! 

Posted : 05/03/2023 8:39 pm
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Cool build! Glad the storyline is coming to a great end!

Posted : 09/03/2023 3:27 am
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader

This entry has earned 5 XP

Posted : 04/04/2023 10:56 pm