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Once Arthur landed on the surface of Empress Teta he got new orders to help further secure the planets surface. He marched over to the local market to make sure that the area was safe for people to do business. The local stormtrooper patrol beat him to it, the market seemed secured for the time being. On the edge of the market place his droid then alerted him to an incoming transmission. Arthur curious told his droid to patch the transmission through. An imperial officer with a thick beard with hints of grey was within the hologram. “Good evening agent Arthur Greyford!” the imperial officer exclaimed. “Likewise, Sir, forgive me I don’t know your name?” Arthur said curious about what this whole situation was about. “Oh, how rude of me most call me the baron of the unknown regions but I prefer baron Tiberius”
He continued “I have made a request for you to join my merry band of misfits and help restore the empire to its former glory!” After a quick breath “I have given your droid coordinates to meet me on my personal ship” “For the Empire!” He saluted and cut the transmission off.
Arthur heard in the background a boy jump in joy has he was given fruit by a stormtrooper. Arthur internally was that boy for the first time he would be serving an officer with some renown. Now he had a greater purpose to further the goals of the consortium. It also gladdens his heart that imperial forces were showing the people of Empress Teta that they were here to help them.
// This was my first attempt at making a marketplace and I am quite happy with how it turned out. The story I am also quite happy with as well. The lighting was great in some areas but others I felt I can improve on. C&C welcomed!//
Great market scene, good story! 👍
ARGO Industries employee
Stormtrooper giving out a fruit warmed my heart. They are just humans, as we all.
Nice to see you experiment with capes and net.
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
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Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order