Wreck of the Ardent
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Wreck of the Ardent

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Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
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Skimming ove r the trees of Daupherm’s northern wilderness, a Shadewing class gunship approached the start of the Keriisian Mountain range. As it got closer, the gunship began to slow, touching down about a hundred meters from a massive shipwreck. The wreck, an Ieron Royal Navy frigate, had been there for over two decades; it was a mere skeleton of its former self, its edges claimed by the forest. The frigate was called the Ardent, and had crashed on Daupherm during one of the largest battles in the history of the Botor-Daupherm War.

The gunship’s boarding ramp dropped, and three individuals disembarked: a rodian and two humans. The group was lightly armed, but highly alert. After surveying the area, the trio began trekking towards the Ardent.

“Myra, find a route to the starboard hangar; Ordak, make sure we are followed,” one of the humans, Elija Rath, commanded.

“Do we really have to go inside?” Ordak, the rodian, asked nervously.

Rath responded, “Well, seeing as there wasn’t another ship parked out here, yes.”

“Are we sure whoever sent the message is still here?” the other human, Myra, asked. There was a brief silence as the group continued towards the looming wreck. Finally, Elija shook his head and the group kept moving.


The inside of the Ardent was in marginally better condition than the outside; light trickled in from various holes in the walls, but there weren’t as many vines growing throughout the interior. Myra led the way, followed closely by Elija and Ordak. The trio reached the starboard hangar, only to find it deserted. Frustrated, Elija entered a side hallway to think for a while. However, it wasn’t long before he became unnerved and rejoined his friends.

“Maybe this isn’t worth wasting your time over,” Elija said dejectedly.

“Perhaps not,” Myra agreed. “Of course we still have plenty of time if you want to search elsewhere.”

Elija shook his head. “No, if it truly was important they’d come to me.”

“So does this mean we can leave now?” Ordak asked. “I’m getting a bad feeling from this place.”

“I suppose so. I probably should get back to the Imperial Consortium anyway, we are fighting a war after all.


[I have decided to end this particular storyline early. It would have required a further three builds, and I simply lack the motivation to build what it requires right now. There is a small possibility that I'll continue it later, but not in its original state. I'm also attempting to improve the overall quility of builds, which may lead to less frequent posts.]

Posted : 01/07/2023 2:55 am
Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader
Topic starter

Some issues with the link to the image have occured and I can't figure out how to edit the post.

Posted : 01/07/2023 3:05 am
Spud The Viking
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Posted : 21/07/2023 9:59 am