Attack on the Cargo...
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Attack on the Cargo Docks

4 Posts
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Posts: 8
New Member Ashlon Empire
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Planet: Terminus

Due to the limited resources and troops of the Ashlon Empire, they payed off the local gang the Dilary Brotherhood to attack the planet’s corporate security. Seeking to weaken the corporate forces and secure supplies for there eventual take over of Terminus, Ashlon has the Brotherhood focus its efforts on stealing supplies and weapons. My build depicts a corporate run supply depot under attack by members of the Dilary Brotherhood.

This topic was modified 9 months ago by Brown Bricks
Posted : 25/05/2024 5:12 pm
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

(you don't have to reply to this! Just wanted to comment my appreciation and some feedback in case it's at all helpful in the future!)

Ambitious shaping, I love that! I don't want to minimize that: I don't see bold shapes like this that often, and it's so star wars. I love that you used almost Starship panel-esque techniques to give the build an architectural focal point. Great stuff. The minifigs are good too (I like the white visors for the security, the black visor feels too Rebel to me). I like the cargo platform, folks always showing up to a fight on a little platform in Star wars, super authentic. 


Feedback: Given that you went for dark blue for the security color scheme, I would have avoided using it on the mercenaries, just to give them each really clear visual branding. 

I think it would've been really cool if you had some kind of light shining down from inside the building, illuminating the security guys.

Your photo could use an editing pass to really make it pop (I'm happy to help if I ever can! At minimum, I just use Google photos or Pixlr and run stuff through an auto fixer. That usually really improves the look of the photo.) 

I don't think the wall needed those rust spots, honestly! A few more mechanical details, maybe some large vents or an arrangement of pipes/wires, some added spots of dense detail would compliment the nice clean, broad shapes that you pulled off so well.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 25/05/2024 6:37 pm
Brown Bricks reacted
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

Seconding Sam, the shaping on the platform is excellent. The wall and overhang don't quite live up to it, unfortunately. The gaps, and flat walls with no greebling just don't match the awesome floor. I'd also encourage you to talk to your Faction leader about how to embed the photos properly into the post.

Posted : 06/06/2024 1:38 am
Brown Bricks reacted
Posts: 88
Trusted Member Ashlon Empire


Posted : 24/06/2024 10:02 pm