C-25, Moonrunner
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C-25, Moonrunner

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The blues of hyperspace were always a calming site to Ciel. 

It was when her ship exited the lanes that she felt her blood run. A stark reminder that her life was on the line whenever she was doing her job. On the surface, she was just another hired hand, transporting goods from one system to another, working for whichever company needed her services. 

But, she was a pirate. Free to do as she pleased, go where she wanted, and work with whoever. And she decided to work with the likes of the Gray Lord. An up and coming pirate who has been extending his slimy grasp to the rest of the galaxy. She worked by nabbing goods and transporting illegal items. Underneath her stores of legal cargo was her true treasure: spice, imperial equipment, or even animals. The Gray Lord’s contacts were many, and they always wanted something. Ideally, through her work, his influence would reach every corner of the galaxy.

As a smuggler, her work wouldn’t push the Gray Lord or his pirates to the top of the underworld on her own, but an empire is built brick by brick. In the process, she’s stepped on many, left others behind, and been forced to watch as the greed of another crime lord left someone dead.

It was these people that Ciel was afraid of, the Gray Lord had many allies, but just as many enemies. She was confident in her ship, the Moonrunner, sturdy and reliable; it was equipped with a set of blaster cannons and a rotating turret. Armaments capable of letting her get away from most threats. Yet, the world was still harsh, and things could change at the tip of a hat.

“On your left!” 

Ciel moved out of Zirel’s way, her one and only organic crewmate was loading their latest shipment into the cargo deck of the Moonrunner. It wasn’t the biggest space, but it was perfect for their usual cargo, as well as their more illegal goods. The space was equipped with hidden compartments, perfect for their smuggling activities. 

Their latest activities had them restocking one of the many stations under the Gray Lord’s influence. A safe space where they didn’t have to worry about enemies around every corner.

With a few beeps from the last crewmate, D8, the astromech droid, Ciel let her crew know that she was ready to head out.

“This run ain’t gonna be ‘anythin different than normal, we’ve got the cargo loaded and I’ll make the drop easy peasy. Afterwards, I'll make contact with some clients who’ll be taking the good stuff off our hands.”

“Make sure to be careful, you don’t need to be making us any more enemies.” Zirel chimed in.

“I know, I’ve got this. I’ll be casual, calm, cool, and collected.”

Working for someone like the Gray Lord had its risks, but more often than not, the reward was worth it.

C-25 Light Freighter

The Moonrunner is a C-25 Light Freighter, an early predecessor to the C-37 Bulwark Dropship. Much like its cousin, the C-25 is incredibly durable and heavy, in turn making it a slow but reliable ship. Equipped with less firepower than the C-37, the 25 was better suited to transporting cargo across systems, instead of across battlefields. This didn’t mean it was unequipped to deal with threats, the ship was equipped with two light laser cannons at the front, and a rotating light turbolaser that could swivel to deal with threats from behind.

It also featured a cargo hold, spacious enough for storing goods, but not for much else. Many of the C-25s were used by smugglers, and the cargo hold was a perfect space to add hidden compartments, great for hiding less than legal goods. C-25s’ also featured a flatbed, able to hold specific pieces of cargo that could withstand space

This ship was inspired by Darth Bjorn's C-37 Bulwark Dropship. It was a design I saw early on and became super attached to. I was very inspired by it and wanted to take a shot at interpreting it my own way.


Posted : 09/10/2024 11:10 pm
Posts: 37
Rising Member Pirate Collective
Topic starter

To judges, please ignore the second photo and the related story when judging.  

Posted : 22/11/2024 3:04 pm
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader


Posted : 07/12/2024 12:39 pm