Call To Arms
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Call To Arms

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(@Anonymous 8339)
Posts: 3
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Captain Shar Panin looked out over the hull of her ship, the Fero-class carrier Carestine. She had named the ship herself, after the heroine of a legend she had grown up hearing. In the legend, Carestine was a simple farmgirl who went to war to protect her homeland and ended up becoming a hero who was instrumental in the defeat of the invading army. That legend had always inspired Panin, so when given the opportunity, she paid tribute to the tale by christening her vessel after the fictional warrior maiden. The Ashlon Empire had taken more advantage of the Fero-class than Palpatine had, the need for more fighter capacity rather than massive fleets of high-firepower battlecruisers a symptom of the changing times and lack of resources. 

Shar smiled as she saw Lieutenant Corbus and his squadron of TIE Eviscerators returning to the hangar. He had proven to be the best pilot in the AE, and she was glad to have him under her command. 

Her thoughts were interrupted when one of her ensigns called out to her. ¨Captain, we´re receiving a transmission from Imynusoph.¨ Panin turned and walked toward the holotable. ¨Put it through.¨ 

The table lit up and the image of Captain Winchel Aurex appeared before her. ¨Captain, it´s good to see you again¨, she said politely. ¨I wish the circumstances were better, Captain Panin. My fleet is under attack, I require assistance.¨ 

Shar clenched her fist. She hadn´t seen combat in months. ¨Understood. We´ll set course immediately.¨ The transmission ended and she activated the ship´s intercom. ¨Now hear this. All hands, prepare for lightspeed, and man battle stations. I want all fighters fueled and ready for immediate launch.¨



Posted : 16/10/2024 8:46 pm
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Posts: 59
Rising Member Ashlon Empire Faction Leader

This build has earned 1 XP! 

Posted : 06/11/2024 2:32 pm