Denon Orbital Salvage Yards
Capitalising upon the massive backlog of decommissioned Galactic Civil War-era ships awaiting scrapping, Haelos Star Yards has reactivated the Denon Orbital Salvage Yards, a massive offworld shipbreaking facility. With the capacity to hold up to six cruiser-sized vessels, this facility currently hosts two Artiquens-class cruisers of the former Imperial Navy. None of the old ships' hardware is wasted, with salvaged materials taken back to HSY's facilities on the surface to be refurbished and reused.
Facility characteristics:
Dimensions: 1200m x 1200m x 300m
Capacity: up to 6 cruiser-sized ships
Crew: 600 core crew + 2500 shipbreaking workers
Kelada-Class Offworld Support Ship
While outfitted only with a primitive Class 6 Hyperdrive, the Kelada-Class Offworld Support Ship boasts two powerful FreiTek Sublight Engines, allowing it to provide a fast and efficient link between ships and space stations in close orbit of planets, and the planet's surface beneath. HSY operates a small fleet of the custom-built vessels to service the Denon Orbital Salvage Yards.
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(Thanks to Lamborghini Waffle Sauce for the incredible Denon Backdrops!)