[EpIi - M10 - Balmo...
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[EpIi - M10 - Balmorra - NR3F] Intelligence Infiltration

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Trusted Member New Republic 3rd Fleet Faction Leader
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Imperial Citizens, proceed through the White, Red, or Green gates. Non-humans, proceed through the Blue gate for further processing. Do not approach barrier walls. Imperial Citizens...

The Central Authority checkpoint stretched across the concourse like a sore, sharp and dull against the pre-Clone Wars stonework lining the walls. Ragged cuts atop the pillars showed where the Empire had hacked away statues of Balmorran heroes, and dried bloodsplatter marked where someone had pushed too close to the perforated barrier. Slowly, the line marched onwards.

New Republic Intelligence agent Cherro Swale stepped into the designated box at the checkpoint, placing his ident chip on the counter.

The bored-looking officer slapped it into a scanner, barely glancing at the chain code displayed by the projector over his shoulder.

"Purpose of your visit to Balmorra... Condo LaRizzian?"

Cherro betrayed no hesitation in replying, having molded himself into his cover identity for weeks.

"Business. I'm on the board of I'Att Armaments, and we'd like to discuss the licensing of..."

The officer cut him off with a wave.

"Yes, yes, very good. Through the door, head left to the main terminal. Next!"

Cherro turned and walked on. Balmorra would fall to the New Republic, one way or another, and the Central Authority would be deprived of a factory world - in no small part thanks to the apathy of a single Imperial officer.


Next: Dinner with Governor Beltane

This topic was modified 2 months ago by MontivalBricks
Posted : 22/12/2024 7:03 pm
Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Cool concept!

Posted : 23/12/2024 12:20 am
Posts: 59
Rising Member Ashlon Empire Faction Leader

Condo LaRizzian got us good

Posted : 25/12/2024 2:07 pm
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader


Posted : 04/01/2025 9:25 pm