Deceased: Gar Desyk, Senior Rebel Intelligence Officer
Location: ‘The Wheel’ Space Station
Time of Death: 7:28 AM
Gar Desyk was in the final stages of transitioning out of his role with Rebel Intelligence when his death notice appeared in the Wheel Security database. He had already given verbal confirmation of his intentions to resign his post and take up a role within BryxSec but had expressed a desire to first close his remaining case files before making the jump.
Physical evidence is sparse. Any official requests to Wheel Security will be treated with suspicion. We’re still chasing down any security recordings from the surrounding area. Toxicology reports indicate he was injected with something lethal - possibly a cocktail of Synod and Cyanoxis D-570.
His residence was on the Middle Ring and his identity should only have been known by the agents he handled. It is unclear at this time what business he had on the The Wheel's Lower Ring. He was found at a railspeeder station along a route used by the The Wheel's alien workforce. Several commuters came to his aid but he died shortly after. He reportedly muttered a name before he passed however it doesn’t appear in any of our records. Could be an alias. Our suspect is “Sara Aves”.
Full Build
Continuing my refusal to shoot a bright immersive shot - This build was inspired by this sleek looking railing I saw. Thanks for looking!
Build with no Minifigures
Maintenance Droid
Very creative scene! I love the inspiration for it. Story is also pretty neat - I'm curious to see who the perp is, and who she's working for. Also - nice use of the hearing aid hairpiece!
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries
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