[Episode I - Cat B]...
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[Episode I - Cat B] Akko Mission Station

3 Posts
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Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader
Topic starter

Trying to provide food for a starving city can seem like an impossible task. But it is how the folks at Akko Missions share the light of the force that is within them. Even though the city of Akko has been in perpetual famine since the start of the Galactic Civil War, the mission station still manages to scrap together produce and donations.

Speaking of donations, today one of the members of Akko Missions, Silas, met with a farmer by the name of Magnus. The discussions went well, and Magnus has agreed to give ten percent of his harvest to the mission station.


The headquarters of Akko Missions isn't much to look at. A humble gate leading into a small courtyard.

Sometimes donations are left outside.


Leader of Akko Missions | GM

Posted : 09/07/2024 1:50 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Great scene. Personally I think you could do more with the towers - maybe a few more antennas, some floaty-tech-thingy, maybe wires - or even a micro ship in the sky? For some reason this build and your previous builds seems a bit ghost-towny? 

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 16/07/2024 10:14 am
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader


Posted : 30/07/2024 6:56 pm