[Episode I - Cat B]...
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[Episode I - Cat B] The Way Forward

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Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader
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Jakku was just the latest in a long series of setbacks for the Empire, it had all started with the death of Emperor Palpatine at Endor and had been downhill since. Orders from somewhere up the chain of command had been given to withdraw to the deep core, but Moff Leon Erask wasn’t going to abandon his sector. People were counting on him to lead, not to flee. It seemed the Hevrol sector would no longer be receiving help from the Empire, so some restructuring was in order.

With this in mind Moff Erask called Kalarba’s elite to his palace, throwing a party to lighten the mood.

“As many of you likely heard, Gallius Rax failed to win a decisive victory against the New Republic,” Erask began, addressing the crowd of military officers, corporate executives, and politicians. “This failure cost him his life and has set our Empire on the back foot once again. Orders have been given for a withdrawal of all Imperial forces to the core, so that a counteroffensive can be planned. Most of our sector forces have already departed, but a few divisions have volunteered to stay behind.”

The moff paused, choosing his next words carefully.

“As I understand, we will no longer have the support of the greater Empire, nor can we expect help from any of the smaller splinter groups. For this reason I’ve opted to organize the Hevrol sector into an Imperial Protectorate until such a time as order can be restored to the galaxy. The way forward will not be easy, but I believe we can succeed. Glory to the Protectorate, and long live the Empire!”

Even as they echoed the moff's rallying cry there seemed a sense of unease among the party...

Posted : 15/07/2024 10:25 pm
Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader
Topic starter

9 XP

Posted : 23/07/2024 4:31 pm