[Episode II - Q6 - ...
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[Episode II - Q6 - Vjun - RM] Decent into Madness

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Vjun. Carved into lead rich stone by long dead Sith cultist, the canals of Vjun shelter some of the finest seamsters and seamstresses in the galaxy. As the Galactic Empire crumbled, hoards from the Greater Maldrood Supremacy secured these canals and their exportation facilities to control their luxurious market. But centuries old practices don't always transition well into the bureaucratic modernity brought by the newest conquerers.

[screen graphics and edit by DB]

News had come to the Red Moons that Zygerrian slavers had taken up residence with the Maldrood and were drastically expanding and exploiting the silk operations on Vjun.

The silk, though, in true Sith fashion, was not from a mere worm or pet spider. Vjunian silk was collected from the Krykna, a predatory, spider-like creature seldom seen by outsiders. Like the local population, most of the planet's non-sentient population was driven underground and out to the dry deserts by acid rain. 

On Vjun, "wet" regions reached high above the clouds to find relief while "dry" regions carved into the rocky sands. However, even though the acid does not fall from the desert sky, run-off from the other regions burrows deep into sulfuric caverns like veins in a body.








In those caverns the Krykna have flourished, bred, and spun silks carefully collected by the Vjunian seamsters. In those caverns the Red Moons Guardian cell attacks. 

The Guardians' intel officer, Agent Olteska relayed news of the increased pressure for Krykna silk, along with the increased presence of imperial oversight on the silk operations.

Their mission - to take advantage of an exceedingly aggravated Krykna population to spur an attack against the Maldrood and Zygerrian garrison. Captain Aq'ai found a Hatch shaman to direct the Krykna, but they would have to traverse miles of sulfuric caverns to get the shaman close enough to direct the surge of Krykna.











Luckily for the Guardians, and cynically anticipated by Olteska's spy, they Guardians' characteristic lack of subtly stirred up a herd of Krynka from Bast Castle all the way to the desert canals. 

As the Krykna descend into the canals, only the local silk collectors have a chance to survive. The hum of the machinery ceases and the old ways will have to take root once again.


Posted : 28/12/2024 11:19 pm
Posts: 4
New Member

Outstanding build Goatman! The scale is incredibly impressive, as is your colorwork with the acidic caverns! The Cave palette is really eye-catching and vibrant while naturalistic, and the concept is strong and inspired! Love that massive Obelisk! NPU all over the spiders... and I really like your paneling in the antechamber with the control panels. Excellent demonstration of what can be achieved with clever techniques and repeated elements! Your decision to build a straight path at a diagonal really elevates the piece. All around spectacular production! And the story is exciting too! Wonder where that intelligence came from... 😇 

Great work! 

This post was modified 2 months ago by DannyLonglegs
Posted : 28/12/2024 11:36 pm
Posts: 75
Trusted Member Red Moons Faction Leader
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Increase Security Asset purchased for this build

Posted : 04/01/2025 6:18 pm
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Posted : 04/01/2025 9:25 pm