Darkness always thrived in the shadows of Vjun's acid-carved canyons... First the Sith honed their cruel magicks within its unlit tunnels in ancient bids for galactic control... and now the Greater Maldrood Supremacy laid claim to the territory, holding it hostage under white plastoid boot. And with the Supremacy came new practices... and new collaborators.
It was Agent Olteska's job to verify the information pertaining to said "new practices" which she'd received from her informant, codenamed "Colo." Though she kept a tight leash on her pet intelligencer, the creature's true allegiances seemed to be as murky as her calling sign's waters of choice... Olteska hadn't survived the war against the empire this long by trusting. She needed proof that the Zygerrian slavers had come to roost in Maldrood's new nest.
It wasn't long before the Probe droid spotted exactly what it came for... A klatoonian slave carrying a spool of silk being marched down a windowed-corridor by some of Maldrood's Troopers. Proof that the intelligence Colo disseminated was indeed accurate. That was enough for Olteska. Time to summon the Guardians...
Later on:
"I trust the details of the Supremacy's business with the Zygerrian Slavers proved fruitful?"
"Yes, Agent, Good work."
"Rest assured, Olteska... I'd never lead you astray."
The Build itself:
Notes: This is supposed to take place chronologically before Goatman's build in the same location. I'll do more with the story and characters in future builds... this time I'm just happy I completed it in time 😌
Nice first post, hope to see more!
Very impressive considering the lack of resources you began with! Great story and love the droid!
Great first build, love the greebles in the first picture!