To an outsider, it may have looked like the beginnings of a dogfight — one ship chasing another.
But the Maldrood had enough of the fighting recently. A few weeks ago, a cell of Red Moon assailants had swooped onto the scene and laid siege to their forces on Euceron. Leaving the Greater Maldrood poorer than they were before. With nothing left but scraps, the Maldrood had little to turn to but the scavengers.
Calling on a group of pirates slowly gaining power, the Maldrood offered to trade passage and an alliance for supplies. Employing the pirates would serve as a desperate move, but one that might hopefully gain them some ground back in their grasp for power.
The pirates, calling themselves the Great Armada, responded to the call. They delivered goods in a group of YTs, carrying cargo and supplies. The Armada‘s capital ship never even entered Euceron’s atmosphere, only deploying the supply ships once they entered the system. The pirates were escorted by a lone TIE fighter, one of the few surviving after the recent battle.
As the ships entered the atmosphere, the TIE pilot’s comlink flared to life.
“Being stuck in hyperspace for so long ain’t fun, do you Imps got anything to do down on that rock? If these damn pirates got me stationed here, I gotta keep myself entertained somehow.” It was a gruff voice, what one might expect to hear from a man in his position.
The pilot’s response was delayed and reserved.
“I cannot say much for the pleasures of Euceron, most of my time is spent in the skies, flying.”
A laugh echoed back in response. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned after being on that ship, these pirates are rowdy. You better find us a few spots or we’ll run your facilities to the ground.”
The pilot didn’t deign the man with a response, instead focusing on turning the ship back towards the ground, where his superiors were awaiting their arrival.
It was a hesitant and unstable alliance, but one that could benefit both sides.

A modified prototype TIE Advanced was one of the surviving ships belonging to the Greater Maldrood. A prototype once thought to hold great potential, this particular ship was tossed aside, but recovered and put back to use.
It now belongs to one of the remaining ace pilots of the Supremacy, and in his hands it is put to good use once again.

This YT-M series belongs to a line of ships known as the Minis series. Slightly smaller versions of the larger counterparts, they were meant for carrying less cargo, but in turn provided faster speed and greater maneuverability.
The Great Armada have allied themselves with a group of smugglers who employ a few of the Minis in their own fleet.

Credit for the design of the TIE's cockpit and a lot of its shaping goes to fellow SW Factions member Cherry!
I don’t know how feasible it truly is for a faction to have a TIE Advanced like this. But, it is one of the few TIE designs I like, so I wanted to take a chance and build one for my first custom TIE. I also wanted to include another ship in this post, so I wanted to make a smaller scale version of a YT-type light freighter. Together with a more normal sized TIE and a smaller scaled YT, I wanted to use a bit of forced perspective to create a more immersive scene. Did it work perfectly? No, but I do think it turned out decent!