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[Flight Deck LTC] Battle Rattle [Yag'duhl - L14]

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Trusted Member New Republic 3rd Fleet Faction Leader
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Her transponder broadcasting Bacta Cartel identification, ex-Imperial shuttle Vouchsafe slipped past the outer ring of TIE patrols in the Yag'duhl system. In a carefully choreographed maneuver, her jump had been timed to place the Fleet Intelligence officer and escorting Republic Marines on final approach to the Yag'Prime station when Third Fleet arrived. In the cargo hold, red battle lamps dimly lit the crack team.


"Don't worry about me, Lieutenant" said the Intelligence agent. "Just get me to the data cores being used by the garrison. Once that's done you can go back up the advance team at the command center."

The Rodian lieutenant considered the agent carefully. She'd been training with them for weeks, but hadn't even let a name slip, much less any other details. But that hadn't stopped her from impressing the war-weary marines..

"We'll worry anyways," he grinned "That's why we were assigned to nursemaid you, right?"

Another marine in the rear of the hold spoke up.

"Lieutenant, if she dosen't need us around, can we hit the bar instead?"

"Ah, can it Speares. You're still paying off the damage from your last liberty. You can't afford a glass of blue milk, much less a drink on Yag'Prime."

Snickers ran through the hold. A couple months ago on Centax-2, Speares had - but that's a story for another time.

Posted : 01/10/2024 8:20 am
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader


Posted : 09/10/2024 3:00 pm