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[Flight Deck LTC] Developing the Snub-Zero Prototype

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Posts: 25
Rising Member Haelos Star Yards
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The Major Hybrid Racing League (MHRL) and the New Republic Ministry of Culture have collaborated to found “Snub-Zero”, a regulated form of high-speed snubfighter racing.
The first conference on Fresia concluded with set rules for the sport, approved by the New Republic Sporting Committee. Manufacturers in attendance were tasked with designing a concept snubracer prototype in one galactic standard month, with the winner setting the standard for the technical requirements of the Snub-Zero racing vehicle.
Initial investment from the Banking Clan and other corporations has ensured the league is already lucrative for patrons and participants, as well as the many worlds that hope to become prominent racing destinations.

— From HSY Embed Axum-Dol Felnoge

The Haelos Star Yards Snub-Zero Design and Engineering Division was sure that they would set the precedent for the Snub-Zero racecraft.
Years ago, Chief Engineer Gibse Mussyt envisioned a the ideal snub-racer after seeing airspeeder racing on Eufornis Major. A small, narrow frame and easy to replace wing-mounted engines was designated for both orbital and atmospheric racing, and in a twist of fate, perfect for the design regulations set by the Major Hybrid Racing League for Snub-Zero. Having retrieved his original blueprints from a droid in the bowels of HSY corporate retreat starcruiser Pearl of Tartany, he immediately set to work with his Technical Designers Obasi Olu and Ximill Ianoh.

Joined by Dragon Void Run winner Yashna Kami as a test pilot, the prototype Snub-Zero racer exceeded performance tests set by all snubfighters of various manufacturers, including those of Haelos Star Yards.

Now, aboard the HSY research vessel Khedr's Quill, the final testing begins in the Dynamic Vacuum Chamber.
In order for the Snub-Zero racer to successful in orbital and atmospheric racing, it must remain steadfast against solar winds and planetary electro-magnetic fields.
As Yashna remotely pilots the Snub-Zero Prototype, Gibse, Obasi, and Ximil look on and make adjustments to the racecraft...

Originally inspired by a concept art by Marcin Basta, this LTC vignette was intended to be more colourful. I initially built the consoles from the artwork, and figured out what to put in the viewport, for which I tried to use the trans-purple UCS Slave-1 canopy piece.

I then opted to make a space wind tunnel Dynamic Vacuum Chamber with a micro-ship. The Chamber and its motorization took up almost half the maximum size of the LTC build requirements, especially with hiding the battery box and the motor under and behind the consoles.

Final size is 18 studs wide, 17 studs and 2 plates deep, and 17 studs and 2 plates tall.

Image of the back.

Detailed, side view

The consoles:

Hol up, let him cook

Posted : 23/09/2024 9:44 pm
Tim G reacted
Posts: 16
New Member Red Moons

The motor function is spot on for this! Really adds another level of realism to the scene!

Posted : 24/09/2024 3:14 am
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader


Posted : 09/10/2024 3:03 pm