[Flight Deck LTC][R...
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[Flight Deck LTC][R17 - Siskeen- AI] Replacements

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader
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Issori Worker: [checks her wristpad, frowning] "I don’t get it. We weren’t supposed to be up for another two weeks."

Rodian Worker: [shrugs, leaning against the wall] "Ush'kava, turr soo’tah. Gata vurrda mish’mak. Kla naa-tu... kla wut-tu, eh?" [Translated from Rodian: "Yeah, well, someone messed up. Or someone else messed up, if you catch my drift. Either way, here we are."]

Issori Worker: "You think it’s a replacement gig?"

Rodian Worker: "Rakka oota. Wurra-klik’nah lasto’ta, baata shum-mah haas-doo’tu. Ka’matra or... feshon’da." [Translated from Rodian: "Could be. If it’s last minute, that’s usually a bad sign. Someone’s out, or... worse."]

Issori Worker: [sighs, glancing at the door] "Great. Just what we need—another emergency shift on this rusted-out rig."

Rodian Worker: [smiles] "Kiss’tok ra, hrakka'ra da hazaru. Ha'sa too-doo." [Translated from Rodian: "Hey, at least we get hazard pay. Could be worse."]

Issori Worker: "Yeah? Tell that to the guys we’re replacing."


Not a lot of space to work with, so a tight airlock seemed fitting. Below are some more photos and links to inspiration.

More photos

Main inspiration was this shuttle craft from EC Henry: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2qDbeK?collection_id=1189961

The door and the round corridor was definitely the most fun to make.

Still frame...

I build a shell to make a more immersive shot. In hindsight I should've added lights...

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Posted : 07/10/2024 8:38 pm