[The following is a stolen excerpt from secured Imperial remnant data files. If you value your life, do not ask a Red Moons agent (or Bothan spy) how this information was obtained.]
Subject: A New Menace
To: All [REDACTED] Personnel
Notice to all [REDACTED] and any other [REDACTED] remnant personnell operating or traveling through quadrants near Jedha: The radicalist cell known as the Red Moons continues to grow its ship-to-ship combat capabilities. According to our files, the Incom-T-58 Tri-Wing starfighter was only ever a prototype made by that washed up manufacturer that once supplied stunt fighters to our first enemy, the Rebellion. Long range scans and scout vessels have detected at least one T-58 in operation in the vicinity of Jedha.
Use extreme caution when engaging this rebel cell, and especially this starfighter. The T-58 was never mass-produced by Incom as it was deemed too difficult to fly, even with the help of an astromech droid. Either the Red Moons cell has found a way to compensate for the extreme thrust of the T-58's main burner and three booster engines, or the alleged pilot of this fighter, Nessim Vas (an Imperial flight academy dropout), is too crazy to care for the risk. (Our analysts suspect the latter.)
Originally configured with nine wingtip-mounted lasers, it appears the Red Moons have removed three of these lasers and replaced them a form of heavy armament. Analysts are unable to confirm the nature of this new and larger armament present on each of the T-58's three S-foils. Set your deflector screens to DOUBLE FRONT and assume the fighter is armed with pulse cannons as well as proton torpedoes.
Radio chatter from the radicalist broadcast station "Zappa" brags that a new fighter, nicknamed the "Other" Y-Wing, is ready to kick some Imperial [REDACTED].
We recommend engaging with a full wing of TIE [REDACTED] or [REDACTED]. All non-essential, commercial, and diplomatic remnant flights should avoid hyperspace lanes around Jedha until further notice.
[End file...]
Note: Thanks to Ryan (goatman461) for his help with the edit on this one!
What a beaut! Love the shaping and colorblocking! Really amazed with the final product 🤯
Such a neat ship design - original and yet very SWy. Also very refreshing to see a new color scheme other than imperial-gray! 😉 Great job!
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries