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[H10 - Jedha - RM] Rise of the Red Moons

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Years ago, while men slept a darkness came over the galaxy. One of the greatest lights that went out in the deluge of nightmares was destruction of the desert moon of Jedha.   

Jedha was a lighthouse of the spirit, drawing pilgrims from across the galaxy looking for answers in the Force. 

To protect those pilgrims and pass on the knowledge held on Jedha, the Guardians of the Whills was formed in Jedha City. Their temples would house spiritual warrior-monks known for their faith in the force and dedication to purpose.

For hundreds of years they lived in peace.

They hosted pilgrims of many sects, beliefs, and home worlds.

Until the day the darkness came. 

At first the city hosted Imperial ambassadors, tourists, and explorers, sharing the gifts of Jedha. Soon the Empire began monitoring the space and travelers above Jedha. Without starships, the Guardians could do little to protest the harassment of the pilgrims from the skies. Soon monitoring turned into checkpoints, inspections, and licensing to continue on their pilgrimage.

The Imperial presence only grew. Star Destroyers dipped lower. TIEs began monitoring ship landings. Troopers started patrols. And, inspections became routine.

Those who had come before to explore began to take and the Guardians had to respond.


The temples cried out as kyber began to disappear.


But for the Guardians, it was too late. Lulled to sleep by their temples and catacombs, unwilling or unable to take a stand against Imperial encroachment, coercion, and finally plunder.

Jedha City was no longer their own.

Some found ways to fight back. Some sent envoys to their brothers afar to warn them or ask for help. Many died. 

"The Empire is a disease that thrives in darkness. It is never more alive than when we sleep." Red Moons light up the night and will burn up their lives to give a sunrise to the galaxy.

Jedha Figbarfs



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Notes for Judges

I believe everybody knows that portions of this build have previously been posted, as far back as SoNE and AG. For the sake of judging, please ignore the four smaller buildings, the bridge, tree, and the Holocron chamber. All of the market stalls are new and anything hanging off the buildings is new. The surface above the Holocron chamber is new, but the tree was used in the Gran Prix. The hovertank was done by my original collaborator, Dwight, and kept as a homage. The red and white speeder was used in S1.

The ceiling and book shelves light up and the only editing, besides background removal, text, and color/lighting adjustments, was the stars in the "night" shot.

After Jedha

With the remains of their city, their people, and their faith bellowing towards them, the few Guardians in Sal Gerrera's encampment made for the Partisan's ships. Cramming into cargo holds, engineering cutouts, and any space they could find. They were safe from the moon's fracture and destruction, but they soon found that their shipmates were not offering free rides. 

The Partisans came from every reach of the galaxy and their reasons for fighting the Empire were just as diverse. Perez Hezron, a malnourished Twil'ek from Selvaris escaped trafficking and enslavement from Imperial run corporations. Ram Amminadab, an Ansionian merchant turned smuggler and then fighter, was on the run from the ISB after being investigated and then framed for sedition. Nahshon Sal Mon grew tired of his life sharecropping and breaking tee-muss on Felucia and slowly found himself among the most extreme fighters of the Rebellion.

They had no room in their ship or the hearts for any kindness due the fearful and broken Guardians, so it was either man the ship or out the nearest airlock. 

As years passed, several Guardians worked off their debt to the Partisans and took their chances in a galaxy now dominated by the Empire where their chain codes were now linked to the most prolific terrorist organization aside from the Empire itself. Others, like Boaz Odeb carved out a place amongst the Partisan cell on New Cov. There he could train; work fields; provide food medicine, and a safe house for Partisan cells; and preach the faith to his fellow fighters. From Boaz, many Partisan cells found a deeper purpose in their struggle against the Empire. 

Another Guardian, Jes Sedavid joined the Partisan cell back on Jedha where they fought Imperial miners. He would continue to stand guard over the moon beyond the Empire's end and eventually helped establish an orbiting temple for pilgrims, a safe house for all rebels, and storeroom for those who continue in the spirit of Gerrera - the Red Moons.

This topic was modified 10 months ago 4 times by goatman461
Posted : 04/05/2024 2:35 pm
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Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader

The biggest moc ever made for this game? Even if not, the gravitas cannot be understated. 
A wealth of figures, with the pilgrims being obvious standouts. So, so much presentation, all varied and appreciated. 

With all that said, I don't think this model reached its full potential. The colors are kind of a mess - some very vibrant, some very washed out. Using more dark tan to tie all the sections together would have been a good idea. With how cramped jedha feels, having that huge, all but empty section in the front is lackluster. 

Once you deduct away previously built elements you are still left with a very large, impressive but very much flawed model. A tremendous effort none the less, and I'm sure the end of a long journey of building this dream into reality. 

Posted : 16/05/2024 3:34 pm
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@simulterious https://flic.kr/p/2pP3vZ5

Posted : 03/06/2024 4:41 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

This is an impressive build and undertaking! The interior lights really elevates the atmosphere of the amazingly designed room and corridor. I would like to see a little more attention to detail. When you get in close there are some areas that are a bit rough. E.g. a little more love shown to big studded areas, and more detailed texture to some of the clean areas inside the temple.

That said, once you take a step back, this build is amazing!

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Posted : 04/06/2024 10:33 am
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@darth-bjorn thanks. Looking back I didn't get a good shot of the floor texturing and mosaics (or the library), but also apparently forgot to add the trim to the columns. Wasn't sure how much would be visible inside, but once you get a cameral shoved in there, the upper walls are pretty plain. Eventually I'd like to add a 2-story statue in the middle, which will hopefully liven up that area. 
Will continue to work on the overall layout. Hoping to get a few tight corridors to go along with the big open streets since there there's a cramped take away feel from the movies, but also room for big open street battles.

Posted : 07/06/2024 11:27 pm
Posts: 25
Rising Member Haelos Star Yards

Truly one of the best MOCs in Factions! Such a good balance between the temple and the rest of the town. The figbarfs are exquisite, and the story is amazing. Love how you took a movie event and created the Red Moons origin story from it.

Hol up, let him cook

Posted : 13/06/2024 7:28 pm
Posts: 113
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Posted : 24/06/2024 3:15 pm