San Syal keyed the access pad and stepped into the foyer of the Fresian townhouse. With the Empire fractured and in withdrawal, the Incom design engineer had returned to the planet. Having spent the past decade or so on the run, San's few possessions barely made a dent in the spacious four-floor building.
A few potted flowers, Corellian meadow-lillies, splashed color across the stark lower floors. Overlooking the foyer was a sitting room, which San planned to turn into a library to complement the offices behind it.
Like the rest of the townhouse, the galley was still in dire need of outfitting, but she had made sure a heated dispenser globe had been fitted for mulled sunberry wine almost as soon as the datawork had been signed. A bottle of Dalastinian whisky graced the counter, a housewarming gift from the plant manager who lived in the townhouse on the left of her.
The top floor was private living quarters; a small 'fresher and middling bedroom among them. For an engineer like San who expected to spend her days - and probably nights as well - in her office or at the plant, that was no great disappointment. Creating the next generation of starfighters was what she lived for; eating and sleeping were the price she paid for being merely human.
No overhang except wires/battery pack:
Such an exquisite and minimalistic interior! The shower looks so good 👍Β
I also like the greebling that seperates the floors.
I maybe would have liked to see a little more furniture and other bits on each floor, but I really do love the contrast between the clean rooms and the greebled separators. Overall a very well done build with your signature NPU!
Great interior. I do think four floors is a bit much on this footprint. Anyway it's difficult to imagine how that makes sense. Build-wise it is great, and I love that you have propper - realistic thickness floors between levels. π
GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries