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In the Hall of the Gray Lord [Episode 1 - Cat A]

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Posts: 38
Rising Member Pirate Collective
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From the cockpit of the freighter, the crew watched as the large planet came into view. With practiced ease, the pilot pressed a few buttons and the comms system came to life.

“This is the pilot of the Tortuga, do you copy?”

“The Gray Lord has been expecting you. Make your way to the landing bay, I will meet you there.”

Before the pilot could get a response in, the comms were cut.

With a scoff the pilot refocused on the ship’s control systems, tightening his grip and looking to the planet.

“Not fun that one, eh?” A voice to the pilot’s side spoke out.

A glance at his crewmate and his ire peaked. Taking one hand off the ship’s controls he swatted at the feet that lay on the ship’s dashboard.

“You’re no fun either.'' The crewmate stated with a grunt, his feet falling to the floor.

The cockpit fell silent as the ship approached the planet.


Breaking through the cloud layer, a great and primeval castle came into view. Gray and white, the stoney visage a testament to its age, an ancient monument seemingly carved from the mountain that once stood in its place.

The pilot led the ship into the castle’s docking bay with a seemingly practiced ease. The hangar betrayed the castle’s vintage exterior with its shiny panels and steel walls.

“Dhagg, you’re with me. The rest of the crew’ll stay on the ship.” The pilot commanded the man in the chair next to him.

Navigating through the halls of the ship, the pilot arrived at the exit doors. With the push of a few buttons the door lifted and a ramp lowered itself to the ground, stopping at the feet of a tall Rodian.

“With me. I am Flet. I will be your guide.” With his few words said, Flet turned and began a trek deeper into the hangar.

With quick steps the pilot walked down the ramp and called out.

“I am Ygore, the pilot and captain of this crew, and this is Dhagg, my right hand.”

“I know, I am well informed on the matter of all of Lord Gerpho’s underlings.”

With his final words said, Flet picked up the pace and led the two deeper into the castle.


Ygore tried to memorize the path Flet led them on, but the winding halls seemed to never end. The small group passed an assortment of people and droids, from bounty hunters to the criminals they hunted, the castle seemed to be a hub for all.

As they continued deeper into the castle, there were less and less people and more and more guards. Ygore observed in real time as the sharp angles and metallic walls slowly gave way to stone bricks and circular windows and stone columns. At this point, even the presence of the guards lessened, and Ygore could tell they were approaching the room of Lord Gerpho.


The room was large, and the center dais was flanked by two white, pristine statues. In between the statues was what could only be assumed to be Lord Gerpho, a giant gray mass. And behind him was a droid, hovering in the air, and a yellow Togruta, resting on the mass of his tail.


The silence that followed Flet’s announcement was broken by a long wheezing inhale from Gerpho, sucking on a pipe connected to the droid behind him. The droid shuddered from the strength of the inhale, and Gerpho let out a heavy breath, his lungs now filled with sufficient air.

Gerpho began speaking in Huttese, his voice a low and guttural growl. Flet spoke up as well.

“I shall be your interpreter. The Gray Lord says that with the fall of the Empire, this galaxy is ours to mold. These Imperial remnants are surely fractured and uncoordinated, something like this will leave them vulnerable and endangered. They will fight to remain in power, and it will be an uphill battle, but at some point they will stabilize.

And when they do, we will be there to support them. Agents of the Gray Lord will be there to both supply and aid these remnants, but at the same time we will be there to sabotage them. We shall play both sides. Understand?

We will not be the only ones with schemes like this, the Lord’s cousin, the self-proclaimed pirate king, Chyunki Sulkijec, surely already has some sort of plan in motion. Your duty is one of importance. By the command of the Gray Lord, you are to converge on Listehol, Chyunki’s stronghold. We have Imperial informants on Listehol as well, you will connect with them and establish the Gray Lord as priority over that false king. Find out what you can about both parties.”

Flet’s translation was paused as Gerpho took another long wheeze from his droid.

“Our Lord cannot have his cousin best him, an opportunity such as this one will not come again. You must not let this chance slip.”

Gerpho let out a loud booming laugh and waved his arms jovially. His speech done, the idea of this opportunity filling him with glee.



The crew of the Tortuga! From left to right, Dhagg, Ygore, Itch, and Groog


Gerpho and his host! Including his beloved and modified probe droid, now his lifeline and provider of oxygen.



Posted : 09/07/2024 5:02 am
Senate (Max)
Posts: 38
Rising Member Pentastar Alignment Faction Leader

Excellent story!

Posted : 09/07/2024 4:56 pm
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader


(please not, only the first immersive shot was judged as per the episode rules - you may submit the rest in another post) 

Posted : 07/08/2024 11:48 pm