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Njord was the leader of Raudr squadron, stationed on the 737 carrier Jormun.
He was waking up to a normal day of patrol and training, it had been so long since they had seen action. As he went to the mess hall to eat with his second in command Serbi, he couldn't help but think it was pointless, no matter how many pirates they stopped, more would appear. After they ate, Serbi asked if she could take first patrol today, Njord agreed hiding his relief.

Serbi joined two other pilots on patrol. They had barely left the hangar, when a modified consular-class light cruiser with golden claw crest appeared from hyperspace, followed by multiple modified LAAT gunships and V-Wings. As the pirates opened fire, Serbi and the rest of the patrol ships were destroyed in an instant.

Njord couldn’t believe his eyes, the person he cared for the most in the world was dead. As the alarm blared through the corridors, he sprinted from the bridge, rallying his pilots with him on the way down to the hangar, as the order to scramble all fighters was given.

Njord led Raudr squadron in his Tie-Fighter. He showed no mercy to the V-wings that had struck the final blow on Serbi, but even as he shot down one the battle seemed unwinnable. Around him his squadron was getting picked off, one by one, how had the pirates grown so powerful?


Suddenly he picked up approaching forces on comms, reinforcements in the form of Viper squadron came to the rescue, "having a little trouble with pirates Raudr?" a cocky voice sounded in his helmet, Njord was relieved enough to reply, "Nah, but you are welcome to join the party."


The combined Protectorate forces drove the pirates away. But not without heavy losses. As Njord climbed out of his Tie-Fighter he couldn't help but think that he was the one that should’ve died. He vowed to never let anyone take his place again, be it in battle or patrol. As a constant reminder of his promise he had Serbis code name, Ser, embroidered on the arm of his suit.

This topic was modified 2 weeks ago 6 times by Legoman
Posted : 06/02/2025 9:35 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 924
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Cool looking ship! The hangar could use some work - it seems a bit clunky, but other than that really cool design. 👍 

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 19/02/2025 12:44 pm
Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader

This post has earned 13 XP!

Posted : 19/02/2025 7:44 pm