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[L14 - Dalastine - NR3F] Commercial Carapace

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Trusted Member New Republic 3rd Fleet Faction Leader
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At the end of the Clone Wars, thousands of surplus warships littered docks across the galaxy. The Commercial Carapace was one of these ships, built as a Recusant-class light destroyer. Left adrift above Yag'duhl, a group of spacers pooled their meager funds and had her towed into a dock for conversion to a mixed bulk freighter-light passenger liner. Armor and weapons were stripped away, leaving only a small superstructure along the spine for the crew and a few passengers. A small docking bay houses a couple of shuttles.

Along the flanks and keel, racks for dozens of large cargo containers were installed. The operator-owners take on all manner of bulk freight, from foodstuffs to proton torpedoes. Recently, the Carapace has been contracted by the New Republic's Third Fleet to perform fleet support duties.

Unlike the rest of the ship, the three large engines were left in place. While she normally cruises on one or two for economic reasons, when the Carapace lights off all three thrusters she can show her heels to all but the most determined pirates.

Posted : 22/12/2024 6:37 pm
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader


Posted : 02/01/2025 2:28 am