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[L21 - Shiva - RM] Chapter 1 - Part 3 -Slow Steps to Sunrise

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The pursuit started before the imperial's position could be mapped out, but they knew the sun was rising to the east and they knew if they could get a line of sight out they could call for reinforcements from their Shiva outpost. Strange pantsless men nipped at their heels and blocked any movement over the ridge, but up ahead they could see the dawn light peaking out through the canyon. 

In a desperate gambit they make a run for it. The laughing and evil grins of their pursuers is more unsettling than their lack of appropriate galactic attire.

Screams up ahead bode poorly for the imperial meddlers. 

The laughter is eery. 

It was never a sunrise, it was the lights of a large villa nestled in the side of the canyon, and they were led into a trap. Most of the warriors are armed with fast, silent swords but shining streaks of red light up from a waiting speeder. 


Once the hunt is finished only three survivors remain. The Shivans unceremoniously execute the captured officer, but two remain somewhere in the Shivan wilderness.

Notes in the last build, but you can see more here where it has been a collaborative build. 

Posted : 02/09/2024 10:27 pm
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Posted : 03/09/2024 8:03 pm
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Posted : 04/09/2024 2:35 am