CHANDRILA, 5 ABY. Provisional council of defense...
"I am Chancellor Mothma and these are Admiral Qi'Lo and Commander Vendelorn of the New Republic Defense Council. We are here for the hearing on behalf of what the media titled 'the great milk disaster'..."
Hello and welcome to the frist episode of Flight of the Phoenix Part II! The story arrived now in the present of Factions. It's a little bit of a prologue where a mysterious pirate attack is investigated by the New Republic leadership. The great milk disaster might be a bit silly and lighthearted, but I hope you enjoy the funny parts like I did making them up 😉
The entry is for New Republic 3rd fleet, as aligned with their leader.
For judging, the defense council chamber shall be scored on.
If it's not too complicated, the little Corvette bridge is also new work shown here.
The Even Giver has already been entered separately to spread and ease the judging. The micro-Corvette I already have for a while and use it as generic scale for micro-built ships 😉 The pirate ship is purposely left 'in dark' as it will be prominently featured next time!
to next chapter >>
If you want to learn more about the characters and ship, look through my other posts.
Part I:
The Aeon Phoenix - Visual Dictionary
FotP - E01 -The Cold Blood Hideout
FotP - E03 - Audience in Jiuffas Spa
Love how your story is tying in other factions and spans the galaxy! Great stuff as always! The comedic tone of this one works great as well 😉