Manufacturer: Phylon Freight
Model: BFF-1 Bulk Freighter
Type: Commercial Freighter (medium starship)
Crew: 2 Pilots, 8 crew
Armament: none
Sublight Drive: PHY -15 AL- DRIVE
Hyperdrive: Class 5, Class 15 (backup)
Affiliation: Protectorate of Kalarba
Roles: Cargo Transport
The BFF-1 Freighters were incredibly common in the Galaxy, the Protectorate of Kalarba also used them to ferry good across the Hevrol Sector. Often accompanied by military vessels to protect it.
The Freighter is slow at sublight speeds, but is protected not only by its own shield generator, but also shield generators on each of the four Class-A containers attached to the side.
Pictured is U-89 often ferrying trade goods from Hosk Station to Triffis, and Triffian produce back to Hosk Station.
Perfect rendition!
This build has scored 19XP!