[P15 - Kalarba - PK...
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(Deleted previous, was very unhappy with how it turned out)



In the far reaches of Kalarba, civilian authority is sparse. Before the Empire, the frontiers of Kalarba were often overrun by bandits and particularly dangerous wildlife. When the Galactic Republic transitioned into the Galactic Empire, the Army and Navy reined in control of the frontier, acting as the vital lifeline between Kalarba's central authority and its subjects in the planet's badlands. Even after the collapse of the Empire and the establishment of the Protectorate, the military retained its prior roles; enforcing security, maintaining trade, collecting taxes, providing services, and giving jobs to the otherwise isolated and defenseless rural populations of Kalarba. Without the presence of the Imperial and later Protectorate military garrisons stationed around the badlands, countless Kalarbans would be wallowing in poverty. 

Across the expanses and great spaces of Kalarba, many freebooter agricoms (agricultural communes) developed out of yeoman family structures, developing tribes into estates and becoming a powerbroker of their own in Kalarban statehood. The relationship between these agricoms and Protectorate security forces became all too feudalistic, with PK security forces providing the agricom estates with protection and government support, while the agricoms would provide the Protectorate with taxes and food. Many of these agricom estates evolved into trade hubs for military and civilians alike, much like the one shown in this post. 


This particular agricom trade hub in the Kalarban badlands is kept safe by the Protectorate Navy, shown by their naval infantry on patrol, the Gozanti-class ships zipping across the sky above, and TIE Crawlers rolling around the estate's perimeter.

This topic was modified 9 months ago 2 times by vernacularluke
Posted : 24/05/2024 3:08 pm
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Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader

This build has earned 3XP!

Posted : 25/06/2024 2:37 pm