[P15 - Kalarba - PK...
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[P15 - Kalarba - PK] Recruitment and Fugitives. (Ep 1 Cat B)

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Rising Member Protectorate of Kalarba
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Fugitive Relocation Officer Boarre went past the empty waiting room, she was used the the room being filled with hopeful recruits, awaiting assignment. But ever since Jakku, no off-world transfers were arriving, and only few locals signed up.

Nadine Boarre used to take joy in matching prospective naval recruits with the various starfleets, but now she had been reassigned to deal with refugees. Nadine dreaded the future, how would Kalarba stands against the tide of the New Republic, without a strong force to oppose them?

As Nadine continued down the hall, she tried to bury such thoughts. She had to focus on the many fugitives driven from their homes by the New Republic.

In a nearby Meeting room, Major Alcyon was worried, but did not let it show. "Thank you all for your input," Both Captain Jekka & Occarah had suggested conscription of the arriving fugitives, "this is not the time to tighten our grip on fugitives, who has travelled a long way to stay loyal to the Empire."

There had to be other means of strengthening the Protectorate, one in particular had piqued the Major's interest, but it required research, and digging out old data from ruins on the worlds around Kalarba. "I am very interested in Major Tridain's suggestion, let us investigate and reconvene in two rotations."

The build has a footprint of 32x34, and two different types of brick built droids.

Posted : 09/07/2024 7:16 pm
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Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader

This build has scored 17 XP

Posted : 23/07/2024 4:32 pm