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[P15 - Kalarba - PK] Team Dossier Part 2

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Rising Member Protectorate of Kalarba
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(MN-2E droid is reused from previous build)

Lenric was still reading about his team, as he stepped onto the cargo ferry speeder. He was not paying attention as the driver suddenly exclaimed "Blasted droids! They are taking this whole station apart." Ahead of them an MN-2E droid, pulling wires out of the wall, throwing debris everywhere. "I guess I'll have to find another way around..." Lenric returned to his screen, he still had a bit of reading before meeting his team.

Hokk is a graduate from the Imperial Academy on Eriadu. His grades weren't great so despite expressing a wish to become a storm trooper, he was funneled into supporting forces. He showed a knack for repairs and maintenance.

He transferred to an imperial outpost on Kalarba, until his recent transfer to Hosk.

Hokk mostly keeps to himself, he is very quiet and reserved. Despite his private nature he has formed a mentor mentee relationship with the Ugnaught Orec. Hokk has proven to be a very capable droid technician, as well as showing a deep understanding of starship systems.


Orec consider himself clanless. His former clan was enslaved by the confederacy to maintain the factories Building battle droids. When the Republic liberated them and they pledged loyalty to the Republic. They served all across the galaxy, deep in the engines onboard starships such as Venators and Commercial Transports. 

Along the way the clan crumbled, many of them left after the formation of the Empire, but Orec has never forgotten his debt to the Empire. Orec is very stubborn, and not easy to work with. Despite this shortcoming he is very knowledgeable about droids, starships and most other technical devices.

Orec worked on an Imperial commercial vessel before arriving at Hosk. The increasing issues with malfunctioning droids warranted his transfer. 



This build has three separate scenes, the actual scene of Lenric reading about his team, and two scenes that take place in the past. One of Hokk studying at the Imperial Academy, and one of Orec working on an Imperial Commercial vessel.

This topic was modified 4 months ago by drunknpirate

Posted : 21/10/2024 7:19 pm
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Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader

This build has scored 15 XP

Posted : 12/11/2024 3:54 am