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[P15 - Kalarba - PK] The Custodian: From Leisure to Service

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Posts: 36
Rising Member Protectorate of Kalarba
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Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards.

Model: Arquitens-class frigate (546 refit)

Type: Light Cruiser (medium starship)

Crew: 750 officers and enlisted

Armament: Quad turbolaser batteries (4), dual light turbolaser batteries (4), concussion missile launchers (4)

Sublight Drive: 3 Tibo 17 Engine Units

Hyperdrive: Class 2, Class 12 (backup)

Affiliation: Protectorate of Kalarba

Roles: Command cruiser, support ship, Communications

After the destruction of Alderaan the Empire needed to win over key political figures, while the Moffs were in direct control over their systems, many of them struggled to keep their house in order after the demonstration of the massive battle station. Kalarba was technically an independent system with rich exotic wild-life, and it became a popular planet to invite dignitaries to for negotiations. The Custodian became a luxury hotel for Imperial Officials and their guests.

The deceased Captain Vullen had the ship refurbished with elaborate interior and extravagant accommodations, such as an in-door pool area, and a casino. Vullen gained a lot of influence with his superiors, and gladly accepted the command of the Victory Class II star destroyer in the Battle of Jakku.

After serving years under Captain Vullen, Diah Reeno was elated when she took command of the light cruiser, she has fought a political battle ever since to get the vessel battle-ready. So it is with pride she joins the 3rd logistics group.

Posted : 08/10/2024 12:07 pm
Admiral Rath
Posts: 62
Trusted Member Protectorate of Kalarba Faction Leader

This build has scored 35 XP and earned an Ace Mark

This post was modified 4 months ago by Admiral Rath

Posted : 28/10/2024 7:32 pm