Hello and welcome to my second entry, kicking-off the story "Flight of the Phoenix" 😋
The ship is a mod of the 75257 set. I have made the initial mod towards the YV-560 some time ago for the another rpg. I really liked the ship and wanted to carry it over here to SW Factions to be my new crew's home. For the Phoenix, I completely reworked the cockpit and updated the rear. The ship got significantly more greebling, a new dorsal cannon and above all, the characteristic color plating.
I got really inspired by some posts that are made in the design of SW visual dictonaries and decided, to give it a try too. Hope you like it.
The YV-560 light freighter was an exploration class freighter made by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Similar in design to CEC's YT-1300 light freighter, the YV-560 was slightly smaller.
The Aeon Phoenix was a vessel that had literally rose from its own ashes. Pria Sungazer found it on a ship graveyard, almost completely stripped by Jawas and Scavengers. The typical CEC cone-shaped cockpit had been destroyed during a bombing in which the previous owner met his dire end. Pria invested a significant amount of credits and sparked the Phoenix to new life. The cockpit had to be replaced and the engine section received a powerful upgrade. The refurbished ship got a new transponder code and name. With its bright colors, the Aeon Phoenix was the symbol of liberty and Pria’s ambitions.