[Q4 - Listehol - PC...
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[Q4 - Listehol - PC] Mos Sakàa Town Centre

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Rising Member Haelos Star Yards
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The people of Listehol have scraped together a humble life on this rock. Few settlements dot the harsh orange landscape, but the oasis town of Mos Sakàa is the de-facto capital of the sparsely populated desert planet in the back end of the Outer Rim.

Nevertheless, the Empire still came.

First they mined resources in the wastelands towards the South Pole. Then they built spaceports. Then troopers started appearing, collecting taxes. Checkpoints appeared where troopers guarded the roads into Mos Sakàa.

A fortress was erected on the hill overlooking the town, with cannons aimed at people's homes. People were taken to the Imperial outpost to be questioned and evaluated. Some returned with new Imperial identification and newfound loyalty to the Empire.

Many did not return. The work slowed, taxes increased, and those who could not meet the Empire's demands were threatened with termination. Unease spread, like a disease.


Despite the oppression, life went on.

Built up from the ruins of a watchtower, Cestila Marroquin’s humble cantina serves as a seedy hub for the revolt against the occupying force. Through clandestine means, vagabonds from a network of outlaws and criminals come to mingle with the townspeople, giving them hope of freedom.

Mos Sakàa is ready to resist by any means...

Originally built for the BrickzLab / Dark Times RPG Antolus I collaborative display at the Bricktastic event in Manchester earlier this year.

An approved donation to the Pirate Collective faction.

More images here.

This topic was modified 8 months ago by Lamborghini Waffle Sauce

Hol up, let him cook

Posted : 19/07/2024 10:39 am
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader


Posted : 07/08/2024 11:44 pm