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[R17 - Siskeen - AI] Ticket to Purgatory

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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Ticket to Purgatory

ARGO Industries deployed the XH-780 Passenger Freighters as essential transports for moving workers across its many labor colonies, from mining outposts to production plants and factory hubs. Rugged and reliable, the ships were ideal for shuttling laborers to remote and often harsh locations where luxury was an afterthought. The freighters were outfitted with modular interiors to maximize capacity, cramming in as many workers as possible alongside the occasional shipment of tools or raw materials. While conditions aboard were far from comfortable—featuring mando bunks, shared facilities, and little privacy—the XH-780’s durability and low maintenance costs made it a practical choice for ARGO’s operations.

The XH-780 Passenger Freighter, manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, was a rugged and utilitarian vessel designed to transport passengers across vast distances. Sharing design cues with the YT series, the XH-780 featured a sturdy, saucer-shaped hull and an offset cockpit, but its focus was on function over form. Lacking the sleek comforts of luxury liners, the ship offered spartan accommodations: cramped bunks, minimal amenities, and shared communal spaces. Its modular interior allowed for flexible configurations, often combining passenger berths with cargo holds to maximize utility. Durable and easy to maintain, the XH-780 became popular on the fringes of the galaxy, serving as a reliable transport for colonists, laborers, and travelers seeking an affordable alternative to pricier options. Though not particularly fast or glamorous, the XH-780 was valued for its resilience and simplicity, cementing its place in the Corellian tradition of practical, no-nonsense starships.


Was inspired by the concept art in the photos below. I thought a starship like this would make sense as a standart freighter for ferrying workers between ARGO colonies. Thanks for watching, and check out additional photos below...

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 19/12/2024 8:15 pm
Brickwolf reacted
Posts: 97
Trusted Member New Republic 3rd Fleet Faction Leader

This build has earned 20XP and an Ace Mark

Posted : 31/12/2024 7:06 pm