R24 Halberd
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R24 Halberd

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New Member Haelos Star Yards
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R24 Halberd (I-wing)
The Repair and Salvage Arm (RASA) program of Haelos Star Yards specialises in the modifications and sales of vehicles produced by other companies. RASA merchants scour the galaxy for destroyed and abandoned vehicles to be brought back to the many HSY laboratories.
Depending on the original state of the vehicles, RASA fully repairs 50% of their findings to their original splendour, to be sold to their original manufacturers or to anyone willing to pay a good price.
The other 50% of their findings are sent to HSY designers, scientists, and engineers to use as basis for their cutting edge and state of the art creations, as HSY strives to have the best vehicles and components.
  • Excerpt from Encyclopaedia Galactica, 896 Ed. (Corporations SM-27 - Haelos Star Yards)
New Republic Standard, First Edition 1138.94.19
It is rumoured that the Repair and Salvage Arm of Haelos Star Yards have spies and agents in the employ of their competitors - the major shipwrights of the Galaxy. There is no other explanation as to how RASA has acquired a rejected A-wing series prototype directly from Kuat Systems Engineering.
The R24 was originally intended to be the successor to the RZ-1 A-wing, but combined with the more agile body layout and pivoting cockpit of Slayn & Korpil’s B-wing fighter. Unfortunately this direction of the A-wing series completely dumbfounded RASA and HSY engineers, and they decided (to the benefit of Kuat and the rest of the Galaxy) that it should never see the light of day.
So once again, the R24 was scrapped once again, this time by Haelos Star Yards…
Until it reappeared on one of the small HSY splinter outposts in neighbouring systems.
The rogue engineers on the Ord Vaxal site (codenamed the Tower) have done what the RASA engineers thought too radical, and reconstructed the R24, with many HSY modifications.
Outfitted with a central engine block and the largest ion cannon they could find, the R24, originally an interceptor class, became a deadly sniper. Due to the larger power draw of the long-range ion canon, a small, faster repeaters that operate off less energy was fitted in front of the cockpit. he loss of range for dogfights was negated, as it was needed for this nimble and agile craft.
The newly christened I-wing Halberd exceeded all flight tests, particularly combat-based, and was ready to be sent to defend HSY transports in this lawless Galaxy.
Photo edits By Simulterious
This topic was modified 7 months ago 3 times by Entertaininglylame
This topic was modified 7 months ago 2 times by Simulterious
Posted : 05/08/2024 7:52 am
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Posts: 231
Reputable Member Bryx Security Bureau

Very cool!

Posted : 09/08/2024 12:59 pm
Posts: 451
Honorable Member Haelos Star Yards Faction Leader


Posted : 18/08/2024 2:38 pm