The twin suns of Formos hung low in the sky, their dull glow barely piercing through the thick jungle canopy. Deep in the undergrowth, two BSB security troopers, Vek and Ral, trudged through the uneven terrain, their rifles held at the ready. The jungle was dense, humid, and teeming with life—none of it friendly.
“Still don’t get why we’re bothering with this rock,” Ral muttered, stepping over a gnarled root. His visor glowed faintly in the dim light. “Pirates’ll scatter the second they hear we’re moving on Kessel.”
Vek scanned the treeline with his carbine, shaking his head. “Not the point. This is about setting up, getting the lay of the land. Besides, you want the Pykes on high alert before we even make a move?”
Ral grumbled but said nothing. They both knew Formos was the gateway to Kessel—an infestation of smugglers, pirates, and mercenaries all looking for an easy credit. BSB’s foothold here wasn’t about winning a fight; it was about controlling the flow of information, resources, and, eventually, leverage over the Pykes.
A distant rustling stopped them in their tracks. Both troopers snapped their weapons up, fingers tightening on triggers. The jungle was never quiet, but something about the shift in sound wasn’t right.
Vek gestured towards a fallen log, and the two moved cautiously into cover. A moment later, a trio of shadowy figures emerged onto the narrow path ahead—locals, armed with crude blasters and vibro-knives. Not a direct threat, but on Formos, nothing was ever harmless.
“Think they’re watching us?” Ral murmured.
Vek exhaled through his helmet, keeping his voice steady. “They’re watching something.”
The two BSB troopers remained still, letting the figures pass. No shots fired, no sudden movements—just another patrol in the jungle, another day securing a war that hadn’t started yet.