This station, known as the Baron’s Balcony, was one of many plasma stations situated on Iskalon. After Iskalon’s uprising, many of the planet’s stations were abandoned. And in turn, they were taken over by pirates and smugglers.
Criminals, from the likes of Pirate Queen Maz Kanata, Baron o’Darko, and the Obsidian Blade, all flocked to Iskalon. It quickly became a haven for the criminal underground, a hub for trade, and a seat of power for some. Situated on the Galaxy’s Mid Rim, the water world became a key player in the criminal ecosystem. The deep oceans allowed these criminals to store their treasures under the waves, and the abandoned rigs made for great strongholds. The stations on the world were a great spot for smugglers to refuel when traveling from the Outer Rim to the Core Worlds. The black market was thriving as well, and these fortresses were the perfect place for criminals to unload their less than legal cargo before they needed to enter the Core Worlds.
The Baron’s Balcony was the stronghold of Baron o’Darko, a feared and respected pirate and head of the Dregs. The Balcony specialized in illegal arms dealing, supplying both Imperial Remnants, and their enemies. o’Darko was granted the title of Baron during the time of the Empire, and this meant he had many contacts in their fractured remains, eager to regain power.
The weapons that moved through the stronghold attracted the attention of many of Iskalon’s local pirates, who often attacked the station in hopes of securing the weapons for themselves. This invited another market to the Baron doorstep, and o’Darko opened his doors to bounty hunters and mercenaries. Hired hands to protect the station. In turn these men were granted asylum, the Balcony would always welcome them with open arms, as long as they stayed in the Baron’s good graces.