With the Galactic Civil War at an end, the New Republic has begun to rationalise the chaotic fleet it inherited from the Alliance. A plethora of new and modern warships is being commissioned, strengthening the might of the New Republic's fleet and contributing to the fledgling Republic's economy. While new MC85 Battlecruisers and Mark II Starhawk Battleships are being allocated to the Navy's major commands, its regional fleets are being bolstered by smaller, more mass-producible cruisers, including the 2nd Generation MC30. These ships are based upon the Alliance stalwart, but are less of a maintenance headache and can be produced from decentralised shipyards besides Mon Cala. One such ship is the Swiftsure - commissioned alongside two other MC30s, she has been allocated to the New Republic's Third Fleet, helping to secure the mid-rim.
Length: 630m
Armament: 4 X Blastech Heavy Turbolasers, 4 X Merr-Sonn Medium Repeating Turbolasers, 2 X Merr-Sonn Medium Ion Cannon, 12 X SoroSuub Proton Torpedo Tubes, HSY TB-5 Medium Tractor-Beam, 30 X heavy blasters
Complement: 12 X Incom T65 X-Wings, 6 X Kuat Systems RZ-1 A-Wings, up to 12 additional U-Wings, orbital loadlifters or transports, 50 Escape Pods.
Crew: 2400
Thank you for viewing! Any comments of feedback welcome!
Beautiful ships!
Love the edit and the ship!