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New Member Ashlon Empire
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Lieutenant Quint Corbus had joined the Imperial Navy right before the Battle of Endor and was shipping out from his homeworld´s Academy just as news of the Emperor´s death swept through the ranks. When the military shifted resources around on the orders of Gallius Rax, Corbus had been assigned to Admiral Versio´s fleet and was present at the Battle of Naboo during Operation Cinder. He narrowly escaped death that day by landing his damaged fighter back in the hangar of his commad ship and fleeing before it exploded. After this battle, he had been reassigned to a detachment in the Terminus system, and that was where he had been ever since. After the Battle of Jakku and the death of the most likely heir to the throne, the Empire had well and truly fractured, and the Terminus detachment fell under the control of Emperor Ashlon. Now, Corbus was the leader of a squadron composed of several of the prototype TIE Eviscerator fighter. 

This ship was truly unique among the TIE line. Several Seinar engineers had joined the Ashlon Empire, bringing their designs for a new craft that combined the speed of the Interceptor, the hyperdrive capabilities of the Advanced series, and the firepower of the craft that had crudely been named the TIE Brute by the rank-and-files. The Eviscerator was equipped with a Class 0.5 hyperdrive that put it above most capital ships. In terms of weapons, she had two experimental Taim and Bak XW-77 turbolasers for dealing heavy damage, as well as two Ls-2 laser cannons mounted on the cockpit. She was truly a new tool for a new Empire, and Corbus felt honored to be one of the test pilots. 

Posted : 17/10/2024 7:09 pm
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