In an effort to bring about peace and communication, the New Republic has invited every Faction in the galaxy to have a say in the reestablished Galactic Senate. Chancellor Mothma promises a neutral ground for discussion and equal representation, but can the powers of the galaxy come together without any sparks flying?

Episode I of Season 2 will see your Faction in the elite, bustling political landscape of Chandrila, among the vaulted halls of the Senate, the shining galleries, or the elegant suites of the city’s gleaming high-rises, establishing the way they relate to the burgeoning New Republic and the other player-run Factions. Define your friends and your enemies.
Category A
Show your Faction in their courts, meeting rooms, or ship bridges preparing their diplomats. (allows for storylines like: the Mandalorian clans gather to decide how to react, the Consortium convenes to choose delegates, or SCS starts melting faces off well known diplomats to take their place as spies…)
Category B
Show your Faction in diplomatic negotiations. Do they keep a low profile, or travel in a grand entourage? Are they meeting with another Faction to forge alliances? Alternatively, or elsewhere in the same build, show your Faction dealing with the other side of politics: intrigue, subterfuge, espionage, and under-the-table deals, not only from their counterparts, but a plethora of other interested actors as well.
Category C
Show your Faction’s diplomatic vessel. With the whole galaxy watching, what kind of entrance do they make when they arrive in Chandrila’s gleaming capital? What kind of ceremony is required to christen their voyage?
- While all Cat B and C builds will be attributed to Chandrila in the Submission Forms, your Faction Leader will be able to move that IP to a System accessible to your Faction.
- You may only enter one build per category.
- You may use any link (IG, Flickr, etc) on the Submission form so long as the judges can access some clear presentation of your build.
- Episode runs until 2/28. Forms must be submitted before March 1st. (Baker Island time zone) (edited)
- The Faction that scores the most XP will be given 1VP to place on any controlled system they own, OR 50 free IP on a system on which they have at least 10 IP (Presence).
- The Player that scores the most XP will be given 1VP to place on any controlled system their faction owns, OR 50 free IP on a system on which they have at least 10 IP (Presence). Additionally, the top three scoring players will have their choice of a PRIZE MINIFIG. More details to come.

Faction / Score / # of Posts
FF / 144 / 10
MA / 71/ 6
SCS / 36 / 5
NRSC / 33 / 3
DC / 18 / 1
PA / 15 / 1
TIC / 10 / 1
Place / Player / Score
1st / starwarcam / 55
2nd / MayItBe / 30
3rd / Wombat / 29