The Galactic Empire lies in ruins. Yet, even as its once-mighty regime crumbles, scattered Imperial remnants fiercely cling to their fading power. In the Outer Rim, lawless warlords vie for control, tightening their grip on suffering worlds caught in the chaos. The New Republic, fragile and overstretched, struggles to maintain order and now turns to old allies and unlikely partners in a desperate bid to free the oppressed.
But not all answer the call to aid. Opportunists, bounty hunters, and syndicates are drawn to the conflict, ready to exploit the chaos for their own gain. In the shadow of a fallen Empire, new battles are brewing.
Will you help extinguish the last flames of tyranny—or rise from the ashes and carve out your own path in the shattered remnants of the galaxy?
Goals and Rules
- Show how your faction participates in the operations against the Imperial Remnants. Your faction must assassinate, capture, destroy, disrupt, extract, recover, rescue, sabotage, salvage or save whatever they can.
- Collaboration and coordination of storylines with other Factions are encouraged.
- Entries earn IP and XP
- You decide whether you will offer your earnings as tribute, trade them, or keep the IP to yourself. Remember! Your faction’s reputation is on the line.
- IP can only be kept if your faction has IP access. Access can be achieved through your Starfleet, your Faction’s influence access, or negotiations with another Faction (NPCs may also be interested in offering a ride – just ask a GM).
- RP may be earned by trading with NPCs after the Episode is complete.
- No limit on number of entries, but remember that quality is preferred over quantity.
- Episode II runs from November 1st to December 31st.
IPs earned can be traded as follows:
- The New Republic will trade 1RP for 1IP on Dosuun, Bomis Koori, Daluuj, Lannik, Dohlban, Vjun, and Euceron.
- The New Republic will trade 2RP for 1IP on Kuat, Balmorra, Kriselist, Tangrene, and Indu San.
- To collect your RP you must send your fleets to the pick-up location at the New Republic resource depot on Coruscant (L9), after the episode ends.
- The Shadow Council will trade 1RP for 1IP on Kuat, Tangrene, Dosuun, Daluuj, Vjun, and Euceron.
- To collect your RP you must send your fleets to the pick-up location at the Imperial Resource Depot on Morak (H18), after the episode ends.
- The Hutt Clan will trade 1RP for 1IP on Daaluj, Dohlban, Euceron, and Lannik
- To collect your RP you must send your fleets to the pick-up location at the Hutt Cartel headquarters on Nal Hutta (S12), after the episode ends.
- The Pykes will trade 2RP for 1IP on Daaluj, Dohlban, Euceron, and Lannik
- To collect your RP you must send your fleets to the pick-up location at the Pyke Syndicate headquarters on Oba Diah (T10), after the episode ends.
- The Mining Guild will trade 1RP for 1IP on Kuat, Balmorra, Indu San, Bomis Koori, Dosuun, Dohlban, Daluuj, and Vjun.
- To collect your RP you must send your fleets to the pick-up location at the Mining Guild supply station on Ord Mantell (L17), after the episode ends.
Prizes and Rewards
- Episode Medal: The episode is won by the Faction earning most combined IP.
- NPC Faction Reputation: Keep all IP earned, trade IP for RP or offer IP as tribute to the New Republic, the Imperials or one of the Cartels. What your faction choses to do with the IP earned in this episode may open or close doors to working with NPC factions in future build challenges.
- Physical Prizes:
- One large LEGO set to be raffled between all the non-FL builders with 3 or more builds, cumulatively earning 20XP or more.
- One medium LEGO set to be raffled between all the non-FL builders with 3 or more builds, cumulatively earning 20XP or more.
Target A, Galactic SSW: The Reborn Empire
Devoted to preserving the Emperor’s legacy, with a dark, twisted reverence for the Force. Known as Force Cultists, these Imperial zealots believe the Emperor’s death was merely a transformative step towards his ascent to god like immortality. They scour the Galaxy for ancient artifacts and locations steeped in the Dark Side. With these relics they plot to resurrect the spirit of the Empire—and perhaps even Sidious himself.
Dosuun (H20)
Imperial Installation in hilly grasslands
Bomis Koori IV (K16)
Barren wasteland and old droid factories
Kriselist (K16)
Deserted battlefields and urban ruins
Target B, Galactic Centre: The Central Authority
Clinging to power within the Core Worlds, led by former Imperial governors, administrators, and officers. Desperate to maintain control, they have established an extensive, rigid bureaucracy that operates under a veneer of order and stability. Their leaders view themselves as the rightful heirs of the Empire’s legacy, governing with an ironclad rule by stoking fear of the New Republic’s reforms.
Balmorra (M10)
Rocky wasteland factory world
Kuat (M10)
Orbital shipyards or industrial surface
Tangrene (O4)
Craggy mountains and Imperial fortresses
Target C, Galactic East: The Pyerce Remnant
Led by the ruthless former Moff Pyerce, this remnant relies on black market dealings, slave labor, and alliances with local crime syndicates to maintain a grip on territory bordering the volatile Hutt space. Unlike the disciplined Imperial hierarchy, they operate like a criminal enterprise, with Pyerce himself amassing wealth and power under the guise of Imperial order.
Daluuj (U13)
Barren canyons, muddy slopes and Imperial facilities
Lannik (R13)
Rocky deserts, mountainous highlands, and forests
Dohiban (R13)
Industrial cartel world
Target D, Galactic NE: Greater Maldrood Supremacy
Embracing a doctrine of relentless conquest, this remnant dominates through unyielding military power. Operating more as marauders than disciplined soldiers, their raids and brutal conscriptions fuel an endless machine of conquest. Their leadership holds no illusions of diplomacy or political unity, believing that only strength and fear can restore order.
Vjun (Q6)
Lifeless acid deserts and Imperial installations
Indu San (Q7)
Forests, mountains, plains, and an Imperial fighter base
Euceron (Q7)
Desert smuggler depot
“The vigilant campaign against the remnants of the Empire marches inexorably forward. The Central Authority and the Maldrood Supremacy have suffered heavy losses against the New Republic, private interests and rival imperials. Meanwhile, the Pyerce Remnant and the Reborn Empire grow mostly unchallenged. The last vestiges of the Empire’s might slip into the shadows, executing their ploys in safe anomimity…”
Episode Victor: New Republic 3rd Fleet
Total Points: 526
Total Entries: 36
Total Players: 20
Highest scoring Entry: Ryan – goatman461 (39 XP)
Highest scoring Player: sarchet (84 XP)
Results by Faction:
NR3F – 121
PK – 92
BSB – 81
FFS – 81
RM – 52
AE – 46
PC – 43
AI – 10
Raffle Results:
Large set – Max (Shockwave)
Medium set – CyrusBuilds
Stay tuned for the next event – there’s a lot of exciting content planned for 2025…