Faction: Ard Garlon Industries
Faction Leader:
@darthbjorn (Bjorn)
Faction pseudonyms: Argo Industries, ARGO Corp, ARGO
Affiliation: Liberal Corporation
Headquarters/Capital: Arkanis (R17)
Region: Arkanis Sector


Ard Garlon Industries or commonly known as ArgoCorp, or simply just Argo was a family-owned holding company. Foods and nutrition as meat, seafood, and protein made up the majority of ARGO Industries businesses, which included subsidiaries such as Exocorp Nutritech, Dargos Protein, and Aquadyne Seafood. ARGO Industries also owned a few mining operations, and its own transportation company; ARGO Transit.

Organizational Chart of Argo Industries holdings

Organization & Operation

ARGO Industries was named after the Garlon family, but little else than the name remained of the corporation’s origin. Although the corporation was still allegedly owned by the Garlon family, the real leadership of ARGO Industries consisted of its board of directors. Each member of the illusive board oversaw subsidiaries of ARGO Industries. Officially the ARGO headquarters were located on Arkanis, but each subsidiary maintained local headquarters in systems scattered across the Arkanis sector.


Argo Industries, and Independent Fishermen


The majority of Argo Industries revenue came from farming and processing seafood. Rather than maintaining and operating a large industrialised fleet of fishing vessels and seaweed farms, Argo Industries relied on independent contractors. These contractors included fishermen and ocean farmers, who operated private fishing vessels and farms, ensuring a steady stream of fresh sea creatures and seaweed,  shipped to food processing plants across the Arkanis sector. The processed seafood was packaged and shipped to all corners of the galaxy, but especially metropolitan worlds like Byblos, Commenor, and Coruscant imported large quantities of seafood.

A prospector investigating a promising location for a new operation.

Workers waiting to board a space station above Arkanis.

Independent Pilots contracted by Argo Transit
Argo Transit logo


Argo Transit was a transportation subsidiary of Argo Industries, employing independant cargo pilots to move processed seafood from factories to vendors across the galaxy. Although Argo Transit pilots were independent contractors, they were often indebted to the company which partially or completely owned the starships. Argo Transit was notorious for mistreating pilots, withholding pay as debt fees, maintenance fees, and union contribution fees. On top, Argo Transit blatantly insisted on starships being adorned with the official Argo Transit symbol and colors.

A YT-1180 cargo hauler contracted by Argo Transit.

Argo Industries Authorities also known as ArgoSec


Argo Industries Authorities or ArgoSec (also known as AIA or AGSEC), were the official authorities and security force of Argo Industries opperations. During the regin of the Empire, AIA had been annexed as supplementary law enforcement in the Arkanis sector. After the fall of the Empire most resources had been used at the ArgoSec headquarters on Arkanis which mean spending more time and resources as private security for Argo Industries executives, than actual security of Argo Industries activities. Argo Industries outposts rarely received security resources they requested, and those lucky enough to have officers stationed were often highly neglected. This in turn meant that some Argo operations opted for mercenaries and even ex-imperials.

ArgoSec logo

A new security recruit getting ready for her first shift. The night shift.

Subsidiary Management

Argo Industries operations ranged from seafood industry and shipping, to smaller more shady acquisitions. Among these were mining operations, mineral plants, and various R&D operations. Each subsidiary was run by an Argo Corp Manager who was responsible for day-to-day supervision and leadership of the operation. The executive leadership above the subsidiary management only interfered if an operation was bleeding money, or if an operation was very profitable. This meant that most middle managers were content with their operation breaking even, which meant they were left alone to rule their insignificant little worlds.

Executive Leadership

The top leadership of Argo Industries consisted of the board of directors, also known as the Argo Ministerium. Most of the Ministerium’s history was intentionally shrouded in mystery, to hide a series of unfortunate partnerships. Among these was the Galactic Empire which annexed most of Argo Industries during it’s reign. After the war the Argo Ministerium largely remained aligned with Centrists across the Arkanis sector.

What profession would be common in Argo Industries?

Fishermen, Butchers, Factory workers, Cargo pilots, Mechanics, Merchants.

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