
Listening posts across the galaxy receive a mysterious transmission from an unknown source. The only identifier in the transmission is a phrase concealed within a numeric cypher— “In’a vea ch’azast,”—and a word, or title, in Basic: “Presager“.Each factions’ intelligence analysts decode the message and unlock the contents within. A strange symbol appears, and an intelligence data file blinks across the screen.
Datafile 1138-003-01-1 "Strandcasts" Last month officials from Orell Bionetics (UniStar Genetics Subsidiary) met with owners of black market gene farm on the planet Vorzyd III. Internal reports obtained by this transmitter indicate gene farm in question suffered catastrophic failure in production of batch of strandcasts (artificial genetic constructs created through dangerous, unpredictable process). Resulting batch is recorded as consisting of "half-formed lifeforms...who experience constant pain, causing a heightened state of violent behavior. Unfit for manual service...whole batch is a net loss". Exact number of strandcasts is unclear. Incomplete paper trail implies batch numbers in the thousands. Orell Bionetics (UniStar) officials purchased entire failed batch through untraceable transaction of twelve million credits. Transports left Vorzyd III for coordinates in UNKNOWN REGIONS. Stand-by for further transmissions.
[Unusual patterns in the encryption script reveal a final message, hidden deep within the file’s code:]
Transmission #2
Datafile 1138-003-01-2 "Doctor" Notorious criminal surgeon, reviled for creation of "decraniated", subject of retrieval order issued to UniStar bounty hunters. Hunters successful in tracking and siezing the Doctor. Never turned in. Cyborgist brought to UniStar Coruscant headquarters under forged registry, where he met high-level USC executives, incl. Speaker Rand Casadi, Directors Jessibel Coppal, Grinist Klaine. Others. [Need Further Evidence to convict] Surgery performed on unwilling subject to prove skills. Lucrative conversation for Mutilator of Milvayne. Promised many patientsvictims. Contract signed, false names. Departed Core Worlds in unregistered UniStar luxury shuttle, last pinged by this transmitter jumping in direction of UNKNOWN REGIONS. Stand-by for further transmissions.
[Unusual patterns in the encryption script reveal a final message, hidden deep within the file’s code:]
Transmission #3
The datafile blinks on-screen with an obscured holo-photo of a UniStar shareholders meeting, manipulated to bring focus to three figures concealed in shadow behind Rand Casadi, the Speaker of the Board.


Datafile 1138-003-01-3 "WHISPERS" What is whispering in the Speaker's ear? Stand by for further transmission.
Transmission #4
Datafile 1138-003-01-4 "Remnants" Message intercepted by listening station in Jakku system. Message contents flagged for analysis, indicating possible threat. Apparent recipient was trade hub space station owned by minor UniStar subsidiary Syrcodes Hauling & Manifests (SHM). Message is fragmented—decoding indicates it relates to supply chain request and references unmapped sector of UNKNOWN REGIONS. One phrase stands out, a portion spoken in an unknown language at the end: "[Unintelligible]...EXI'N AZAT SCAOTH...for...[Unintelligible]...the truthseers-scorned..." The remainder of the message is drowned out by unintelligible noises: discordant vocalizations consistent with various cultural expressions of mourning, or worship. Of note: message transmitted via obscure Imperial code pattern. Pattern in question used almost exclusively by PYERCE REMNANT. Last remains of Pyerce Remnant disappeared last year after near-total defeat. Moff Aamon Pyerce never found. Poorly falsified paper trails reveal SHM sold four cargo haulers of Imperial surplus to unknown recipient. Funds reappear in separate UniStar accounts as "miscellaneous investments". Stand-by for further transmissions.
[Unusual patterns in the encryption key reveal a hidden post-script:]
Transmission #5
Datafile 1138-003-01-5 "RANSOM" Where are the Missing, and why were they taken? UniStar does not deal in mystery, but in leverage. Where is the ransom? Where is the demand? Stand-by for further transmissions. Soon, all will be revealed.
[Unusual patterns in the encryption key reveal a hidden post-script:]
Transmission #6
Listening posts across the galaxy receive another mysterious transmission from an unknown source. Again, the only identifier in the transmission is a phrase concealed within a numeric cypher— “In’a vea ch’azast,”—and a word, or title, in Basic: “Presager“.
Unlike previous messages, this message is deeply fragmented, and seems to be one part of a larger missive. The text is in conflict, overwriting itself and adding or correcting at random. Once deciphered, it reads as below.
Datafile 1138-003-01-6 "HASTE" Time grows short. THE HOUR DRAWS NEAR Everything is a sign of what will soon come to pass. MY VISIONS CONFUSE MY THOUGHTS. MY CURSE, BUT MY PURPOSE. THEY HAVE PREPARED ME FOR THIS HOUR. THE BURDEN OF THE TRUTH WEIGHS HEAVILY. I WILL ACT MY ROLE NONETHELESS The UniStar Conglomerate has existed for centuries, yet never have they brazenly invaded sovereign systems, even by way of proxy. Why then did four worlds suffer the desolation of war at their behest? Why did the Fringe Wars happen? Why do they now harass the galaxy, grabbing at anything they might take as their own? Who is to blame for this new and destructive boldness? WRETCHED AND LOST IN THE ABYSS OF DISILLUSION, THEY SOUGHT MEANING, AND FOUND IT IN ANCIENT PHILOSOPHIES LONG DISCARDED BY THEIR KIND What brought about this dark change? What evil crawls in the shadows of UniStar's corporate board meetings? AT YOUR SUMMIT THEIR SERVANTS WERE WELCOMED, IN THE HALLS OF YOUR REPUBLIC THEY STOOD UNCONFRONTED. THEY SOUGHT TO LEARN YOUR FEARS, AND FOUND ALL THAT THEY DESIRED I have seen many things, but can only say so much. Heed these warnings. Prepare yourself for what it will cost. I will do what I can to help you be ready. SOON THEY WILL REVEAL THEMSELVES THEY ARE NOT FROM YOUR GALAXY THEY ARE PREPARING FOR WAR
Transmission #7
Like the previous message, this message is fragmented, and part of a larger epistle. Once deciphered, it reads as below.
Datafile 1138-003-01-7 "UNISTAR, ENTHRALLED" There are secret places where the UniStar Conglomerate's powerful leaders gather, corporate retreats where materialism and rationality are exchanged for something else entirely, where they pledge service to something greater. SOMETHING UNSEEN. SOMETHING WRATHFUL. EVERYTHING THAT CROSSES ITS PATH IS MADE A PAWN. WARRIORS. EMPIRES. DYNASTIES. THE PRIVILEGED AND FORGOTTEN There are some who see this partner as another neutral tool to be wielded in the name of self-interest. These industrialists are fools. For the first time, they are the instruments exploited by another. THE ABLE AND THE FRAIL Others are ruled by new cruelty. Their all-consuming greed is supplanted by worship. Their moral weakness left each vulnerable to deeper forms of darkness. One of many pawns in the service of their new gods. Hundreds of leaders of UniStar are thralls with binded wills, seduced by absolute evil. Their meeting halls have become places of devotion. They kneel to the devils with whom they have entered into betrothal. The worshippers are the wiser ones. This power cannot be controlled. Submission is the only choice. Submission or Resistance. Stand by for further transmissions.
[Unusual patterns in the encryption key reveal a hidden post-script:]
Transmission #8 – Final Transmission
Like the previous message, this message is fragmented, and part of a larger epistle. Once deciphered, it reads as below.
Datafile 1138-003-02-8 This is my last epistle. Through their own eyes, I have bore witness to their path. It is a dark mind to share. The Four discovered the Abhorus Scriptums. The Four embraced old ways, ways of violence and darkness, death magic fueled by malice and spite, profane ideas outlawed long ago. The Four frightened their war-loving brethren with the depths of their depravity. The Four were scorned and cast into the darkness. The Four were called Zhra'ad. The word means Abomination. Unclean. A title they claimed, in time. The heretic sons of the Hegemony, the exiles decried now Princes of a hermit kingdom. They call their scourge the SCAOTH. The spurned, the hated, the cast-out and despised. Now they despise all others. They are ruled by hatred and wrath for everything not themselves. They twist and ruin, enslave and destroy. In their hunger, they corrupted every being as a tool to their will. Your galaxy is but another. YOU ARE A WEAPON TO WIELD IN THEIR CRUSADE. TO CLAIM THE FULL STRENGTH OF THEIR KIND. YOU ARE MATERIAL FOR THEIR CRUCIBLE. YOU MATTER NOT. Your missing already know this. A THOUSAND WORLDS WILL BURN BENEATH THEIR WILL ALL LIFE ASSIMILATED AND BURNED AWAY, TURNED TO WARRING STEEL IN THE HANDS OF THE HATED But there is hope. I have seen this, too. My visions have shown me a world, their staging ground for what is coming next. It is a world of fog, plateaus, and fiery skies. The scourge has dominated its native people, constructing their brutish fortresses atop their cities, twisting its citizens to add more thralls to the horde. For half a century, they have blindly hoarded weapons and thralls for the war they so eagerly anticipated, the only thing missing was the opportunity; the enemy to subjugate. In the Failure, they recognized something like themselves. A violent visionary, bent on empire and supremacy, exiled for his fervent cause. It was he who opened their eyes, who parted the veil separating them from your galaxy. He provided the enemy. He told them about you. As reward, they took pleasure in twisting and punishing him, as they had been punished. They know nothing else. I am like them all. Cast-out and despised. In this, I mirror my foes. No longer do they wait, do they slumber. THE HOUR IS HERE. JOIN ME, AND WE SHALL TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE COMMON ENEMY OF ALL LIFE THE SCAOTH WILL DEVOUR ALL YOU MUST UNITE WE MUST MAKE WAR
The Presager transmits coordinates to the leaders of Factions both large and small. They direct all who are willing to travel to the Western Reaches, the Trilon sector, and a remote trading post at the very edge of the galaxy.
Included is an invitation.
The invitation describes the calling of a summit, a declaration of co-operation against a mutual enemy. A war council that may decide the very fate of the galaxy, with a battle unlike any have ever seen.
