[Episode 3] The Ace...
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[Episode 3] The Ace over RA'UN!

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Far, far above the battle on Ra'Un's surface rages another battle, one that would decide the fate of the galaxy and everyone within. Hive station was the bottleneck that tethered the surface to the rest of the galaxy, destroying it would cripple their sinister advance on the rest of the galaxy. Of course, destroying it was easier said than done. Hive Station was guarded by hundreds, if not thousands of Scaoth Hordecraft. Most, if not all, were 'Uglies' of some sort, starcraft cobbled together from a variety of sources. though typically less than the sum of its parts, the sheer number of hordecraft would have even given the empire's Tie Fighter program a run for its money. Worse still, one Hoardcraft seemed to defy the odds, an asymmetrical crimson interceptor that nimbly weaved in and out of laserfire, greedily picking off the Allied Starfleet's strikecraft. Suddenly, a lone starship dropped out of hyperspace, joining the fight. The mysterious craft was an advanced variant of Tie fighter, notable for its dagger shaped wings, and red markings indicating its pilot's skill. Entering into attack position, the Tie's s-foil mechanism split the twin dagger wings in half. Baron Fraukt was quick to engage, locking on to his target with vice like precision. Only one pilot would walk away from this showdown and Baron Fraukt wasn't going down without a fight...


Special thanks to Simulterious for helping with the photo editing!



Some shots of the Tie Victor. 

The Tie Victor was poorly named, not due to any fault in its combat capability, but instead due to its development after the main defeat of the Empire at Jakku. Created by Stygian Caldera technicians, The Victory fulfilled a similar role to Rebel X-Wings, acting as a multirole fighter used for quick hit and run missions, a distinctly un-imperial school of thought, but one needed in a changing galaxy. Functionally, it was leagues ahead of its Tie Modular Cousin, but not quite as refined as the defender or Scythe. Armed with the expected chin mounted L-S7.2 Laser canons, the Victor also featured four Tiam and Bak KX12 Laser Canons on each wing. S foils split each wind down the middle, while also helping to disperse heat and widen the ship's weapon spread. Due to the secrecy of the Society, very few Victors have been seen outside of testing, though an exception was made for The Battle of Ra'Un, the perfect conditions for a field test...


The build itself was really an attempt to streamline one of my older mocs with newer pieces. I had the the idea for an S-foil Tie fighter variant came in 2016 when I saw the A-Wing vs Tie Advanced set, and envisioned a similar set featuring an X-wing, and some manner of X-Tie thing. Fast Forward to 2021 when the Rise of Skywalker Tie Dagger was on sale, I decided to make finally getting around to making it.

V1's mechanism was based on the 2021 X-Wing, though it ended up being too weak to support the wings. Truth be told, it was fairly crude and inelegant in design. 

2023 saw the release of a new Tie Bomber, one who's parts were perfect for the V2. Save for the mechanism, almost everything about the ship was reworked to be both sturdier and visually appealing. No more massive unbroken walls of studs here thank you very much.

All in all, I'm really happy with where I was able to take this build, much more than I was with the original.

The Scaoth Interceptor was a tad bit of a struggle for me, at least right up until I greebled the hell out of it, making it pretty asymmetrical. I'm content with how it turned out.

Not much else to say about it truth be told.


What will become of our daring star pilot? Will he defeat the Scoath menace, or will he be blasted to atoms? Find out in the next installment of Factions!

This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Traykar
Posted : 08/04/2023 7:08 am
Posts: 120
Trusted Member Followers of the Force

Don't think you got enough acknowlegement for this build, love the two ships, especially the Tie. I think they should have looked more like this in the Rise of Skywalker. Great episode build.

Posted : 09/04/2023 4:06 am
Posts: 97
Trusted Member New Republic 3rd Fleet Faction Leader
  1. Very nice! The TIE Victor reminds me of the TIE Hunter from the Rogue Squadron games.
Posted : 09/04/2023 8:23 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Impressive ships. The canopy piece use for the Scaoth Starfighter is perfect!

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 12/04/2023 9:58 am
Posts: 478
Honorable Member Admin Followers of the Force, Faction Leader

Both of these ships rule. They feel familiar, but unique. I love how the cockpit on the TIE juts forward, like a predator raptor extending its neck. The smaller ship feels a little bit messy, but its such a great shape too.

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 12/04/2023 4:03 pm
Spud The Viking
Posts: 322
Reputable Member Akko Missions Faction Leader

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Posted : 24/04/2023 1:24 pm