(Episode III - Part...
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(Episode III - Part II: Overlord Duel) Reunion

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Previous Chapters
I | Severance Pay
Nathan Carda, a young safety inspector, quits his job to go looking for the woman he's fallen in love with--an Imperial spy.
II | Murder!
Before Nathan can even get off-world he runs into another Imperial spy, and this one is not quite as charming as Mayla.
III | Diner Tables and Old Grudges
Nathan meets up with an unexpected contact to try to find transportation.
IV | The Manifest
Nathan's first lead yields surprises, both good and bad.
V |  The Temple Job
Nathan and Ozz travel to a dig site on Yavin IV, where a young stranger offers them aid.
VI | Submission and Death
Lt. Syfot travels to a dark world in search of a inhuman prophet.
VII | The Planet of Ghosts
On Ossus, Nathan and Ozz meet the Keepers, a ghostly spirit, and the Empire.
VIII | The Magic Tree
Nathan and Ozz find their spirits tested in the dark swamps of Dagobah.
IX | Alone in the Ash Forest
Nathan strikes out alone into an ironwood forest, and nearly meets his death.
X | The Traitor
A traitor rescues one of Nathan and Ozz's allies from the Empire.
XI | The Tomb World
Nathan and Ozz reach Korriban, where they hope to find Balaam's Heart before the Empire. The planet, powerful with the dark side, comes for Nathan's spirit.
XII | The Heart of the Servant
Nathan and Ozz are thrust into a confrontation for the mystical Balaam's Heart.
XIII | Daughter of the Empire
Mayla's past is explored.

XIV | The Machine (In-Progress)
Nathan is interrogated by Syfot. Mayla and Ozz plot their next move.

XV | The Ancient Fortress (In-Progress)
Syfot moves on a hidden Searcher village. Mayla and Ozz set out to rescue Nathan.

-> Reunion

It has been eight months since Mayla Fost left the company of Nathan Carda and Ozz Van Sabaran in search of a way to come to terms with her life serving the Empire. More than once she has contacted Nathan for his help, but like any young relationship, theirs still struggles under the weight of passionate emotions, inexperience, and confusion. 
When Mayla contacts the Lucky Star with another request, Nathan is hesitant, but this time is decidedly different: Mayla's father, the disgraced war criminal Aamon Pyerce, has returned. Aluded to in the messages of the Presager, he is now a thrall servant of the Sca'oth horde. Searching for him was the subject of many of Nathan and Mayla's missions in the past. Neither expected him to turn up like this. 

"I know I ask too much-" she starts.

It's Ozz who cuts her off. Ozz, who carries a certain affection himself for the former ISB agent, pseudo-girlfriend of his best pal, can't turn down a friend in need.

"Nah, kid. If you've got a shot at getting to your dad, we're gonna get you there. You better believe it."

They agree to help, and sign the Lucky Star up with the Volunteer Fleet headed for Ra'un. For the first time in their life, they're riding into battle.
Nathan is surprised to learn that he's not the only young force-wielder in Mayla's life. To his initial consternation, they're joined by Mayla's childhood friend, Trin-Yan Kaster, leader of the Imperial Knights.

Their goal: board the Temple Ship of the Sca'oth, and find Aamon Pyerce.

Their tiny shuttle-freighter looked out of place next to the hundreds of warships hanging in the skies over Black Spire outpost. So many they blotted out the sun. Imperials, the Republic, Mandalorians, crime lords, pirates...it was the most random collection of combatants probably ever assembled.

"And we're running off to fight some, what, murder cult?"

Ozz jockeyed for a turn with the fuel pump, elbowing aside a tall, helmeted Mandalorian to get there. The Mandalorian stared at him, but Ozz, ignoring them, marched back to the Star and twisted the pump's nozzle into the holding latch. He leaned on the ship while he waited for the pump to do its thing.

Nathan was poring over the reading material that had been disseminated to all of the fighters, explaining the situation, the various fronts of the battle, and what they would be facing.

"Yeah, I guess. These guys are serious business, Ozz."

"They're formidable," Mayla pitched in, uncrossing her arms and crossing her arms at random, an anxious tic. "Mysterious. I don't understand what my Father is doing with them. He was cruel, even tyrannical, but to give his service to this horde? I cannot imagine how low he must have been to make a bargain like that."

Ozz shook his head, a dark expression on his face. "Probably better not to picture it," he grunted, then he launched into a protest at an approaching armored warrior. "Hey, back off, yer majesty. This is my landing zone. We may be fighting together, but keep in your lane!"

Nathan had been looking at Mayla when her expression changed, from anxiety to relief. He looked to see what caused the sudden shift, and found the warrior Ozz was berating; a young, handsome man, dressed in clean black fatigues and the pale blue armor of the upper ranks of the Pentastar Alignment. Something in Nathan's gut did a weird twist. 

"Trin-Yan, welcome!" Mayla called, smiling as she went to free the man from Ozz's accusations. 

"'Trin-Yan?'" Nathan repeated, an eyebrow furrowed. Who the karf was Trin-Yan?

The warrior called Trin-Yan smiled in return, holding up a rucksack as an offering. "I come bearing gifts. It's good to see you, Ingrid."

Ingrid was Mayla's birth name. She had it changed when she entered the Academy. Nathan was surprised to hear it.
Mayla seemed slightly embarrassed by Trin-Yan's use of it herself. She gave the man a brief touch on the shoulder in greeting, which he reciprocated, and took the rucksack from his outstretched hand. With a realization, she turned to introduce her companions.

"Nathan, Ozz, this is Trin-Yan Kaster. He's a skilled fighter, he will help us break through the temple ship once we board. I'll be right back, I just need to gear up."

She disappeared inside the Lucky Star, leaving the boys outside alone.

"Anything for Moff Pyerce's daughter," Trin-Yan said, smiling. "Before Endor, our families were friends. It's good to meet you both." 

Ozz grunted something that sounded like "yeah, okay, you too," while Nathan thrust out a hand, which Trin-Yan met with his own.

"Nathan Carda."

"Ingrid has told me about you, Nathan."

"Really? Weird. Do you guys hang out, or something?"

Trin-Yan laughed. "She's been helping the Alignment with a few tasks in recent months. I suppose there's a comfort to the Alignment for former Imperials. Many of the same aesthetics, without the butchery and foolishness," he mused. "And she's a friend. But she told me you wield the force, and a lightsaber."

Nathan processed this, then raised an eyebrow. "She was right."

"Jedi come in all shapes, these days. I was once a Jedi myself," the man told him, and there was an earnestness about the way he talked that disarmed the hostility Nathan wanted to feel. He didn't talk like he was trying to make himself look important, but like they were equals. "I trained with Luke Skywalker for a few years."

Nathan felt his guard lowering. "I've met Luke," he nodded. "He's the one that got me started on all this."

Trin-Yan made a face. "He does tend to do that."

Nathan picked up on the tone, and Trin-Yan realized it had more of an edge than he'd intended. He said quickly, "Pardon me, I have nothing against the man, but we've had our disagreements. I left the Order to form the Imperial Knights. We serve to uphold order in the Alignment's fiefs, with the force as our tool. We push back against the dark side, when it rears its head among our own ranks. I suppose that's some of Skywalker's teaching sinking in. It's valuable work, I think. Imperial Remnants can be...volatile. To create what we want to create with the Alignment, it requires constant self-examination, constant critique. Honing our skills and our values, with the edge of a blade, if necessary." He smiled. "Sorry, I'm going on."

"No, no worries. It's interesting."

"I'd try and recruit you, but something tells me you wouldn't bite."

Nathan pulled a face. "Yeah, you'd be right. I appreciate the thought, but I don't think the Empire - any Empire - is the path for me. No offense."

"None taken."

Mayla came down the ramp, now fitted out in white-and-gray Imperial battle armor. Not quite like a stormtrooper; this seemed designed to offer more freedom of movement.

"Sorry," she said instinctively to Nathan, when she noticed him looking. "Imperial gear just feels natural, still. I wanted every advantage I could get, going into battle like this."

He waved it away, surprised at the apology. "Hey, I get it. No need for sorries here." Then he fell in beside her as she went to retrieve the rest of her equipment, speaking quietly so Trin-Yan couldn't hear (it didn't matter, he was trying to hold conversation with Ozz anyway, unfortunately for him). He watched her closely as he asked the question. He couldn't help it. "So, this guy's legit?"

She chuckled. "Mhm. I've known him for years. He's one of those 'good Imperials'. Fighting for the right thing. As it were."

That settled it for Nathan; he chose to trust her, so he chose to trust the young Kaster. Besides, he could sense his motives in the Force. There was only a little there to cause concern, and most of it had to do with his feelings towards Mayla. Nathan couldn't get distracted with those right now.

"Great, another human," Ozz grumbled, lifting the fuel pump with a grunt and tossing it back towards the waiting Mandalorian. "Catch, Mando!"
Muttering under his breath, he walked up the Lucky Star's ramp and disappeared inside. "My ship wasn't made for this many humans at once. It's unatural. Hey! You jerks coming, or what?"

STORY (currently just pictures)




Thank you for looking!

This topic was modified 2 years ago 8 times by RocketBoy

Leader of the Federation of Free Systems | Retired GM | New Jedi Order

Posted : 05/04/2023 11:02 pm
Posts: 120
Trusted Member Followers of the Force

Excellent story and fig composition. The colours are just right too 🤩 

Posted : 08/04/2023 9:49 am
RocketBoy reacted
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
Veteran Member Admin Faction Leader

Man! Your immersive scenes and story are always inspiring. I could have wished for a few pillars or something similar to break the open horizon. You use the figs for this, and that's cool too.

Once again, you manage to turn a relatively simple platform into a pedestal for your storytelling!

I'm impressed once more. 🍻 

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 12/04/2023 9:52 am
Spud The Viking
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Posted : 24/04/2023 1:20 pm