(Character) Bannon
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(Character) Bannon

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Darth Bjorn
Posts: 932
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Lt. Bannon was one of the few intelligence operatives to survive the Battle of Endor. He was subsequently promoted to Captain, and deployed at the Battle of Jakku. Records before joining Imperial Intelligence are unclear, but training manifests suggest a naval background.

- A glimpse of days past

Commenor Remnant Intelligence

After the Battle of Jakku, Cpt. Bannon was recalled to Commenor, and was reassigned to the Commenor Remnant Intelligence branch, reporting directly to Admiral Bryce. Cpt. Bannon impressed the Admiral, during a series missions across the Mid Rim. As a reward, Bannon was promoted to lead his own Special Operations unit. This was also the first time Bannon met Lt. Markland, who was assigned to his unit.

Notable missions for the Commenor Remnant

- Intel Recovery Mission to Jakku

- Recon Mission to Dennaskar

- Executive Summoning

- Onboard the Relentless

- Battle of Dennaskar

- Inspecting the IDS Incarcerator

- Emissaries of the Chiss Ascendancy

The Commenor Remnant intelligence was highly successful in securing and supporting Imperial Remnant governments across several Mid Rim worlds. However, the Commenor Remnant leadership failed to cement these victories in the Galactic Senate, who largely ignored these worlds plea for recognition. These events was largely orchestrated by the former imperial advisor, Senator Belrus, who was secretly plotting to surrender the Commenor Remnant to the New Republic. 

The treacherous Senator Belrus was apprehended by Cpt. Bannon, while the Commenor Remnant Imperial Intelligence seized power of the Commenor government in a hasty coup d'état.

- Traitor's End

These events did not go unnoticed, and while Admiral Bryce was bogged down with administrative duties, and a personal obligation to the Commenor people, Cpt. Bannon - joined by many other intelligence officers, left the Commenor Remnant behind, to join the rising union of Imperial Remants; The Imperial Triumvirate.

The Rise of the Imperial Triumvirate

The Triumvirs recognized Cpt. Bannon's achievements for the Commenor Remnant, and did not hesitate to promote him to Commander. Cdr. Bannon continued where he left off; securing an Imperial Region centered in the Dalaang Sector.

- Cdr. Bannon joins the Imperial Triumvirate

- Securing Nixor

- Administration Change of Molavar

- Diplomatic Mission to Jilrua

- Aurik 14 Inspection Scarif

Besides being a leading officer in the Imperial Triumvirate's expansion, Bannon is assigned increasing responsibilities in classified weapons research and development projects.

- Bounty Hunter Bright

- Diplomatic Mission to Botor

- Lifting the Veil

The successful missions of Cdr. Bannon has earned him respect, and recognition, but maybe more importantly, he has been involved in some of the Imperial Triumvirate's deepest secrets. These missions involved the resurrections of several military research and development projects, and other more clandestine operations initiated by the late Emperor himself.

- Mission to Fondor (Part I)

- Mission to Fondor (Part II)

- Inspecting the mines of Quarzite

- Underworld Connections

- Expedition Briefing on Kalist VI

- Infiltration Mission on Gorse

- The Beginning of the End

After this pivotal meeting of the Imperial Triumvirate leaders, Cdr. Bannon is briefed on the invasion plans of Iridonia. From Cdr. Bannon's point of view, the invasion seems to contradict the new directives of the Imperial Triumvirate. The invasion of Iridonia, would force a confrontation between the Imperial Triumvirate and the New Republic, but Bannon is denied further explanation, and accepts his role. At least this would give him a chance to avenge his lost brothers.

Cdr. Bannon and Cpt. Markland met shortly before the departure to Gyllnesh, the staging system of the Invasion of Iridonia. They shared dreams, doubts, memories, and promises during their brief rendezvous.

- Invasion of Iridonia (Part I)

- Invasion of Iridonia (Part II)

Suddenly without warning or explanation, Imperial ships turned on one another or disappeared outright. The Imperial invasion forces became splintered and confused. Bannon's suspicions was warranted. It had to be sabotage from within. Maybe this was the plan all along. The New Republic and Allied forces pressed the advantage landing troops on Iridonia, where they broke the invasion after three ferocious days of fighting. Cpt. Markland had prepared and the two managed to disappear in the chaos on Iridonia. Together they escaped Iridonia on a refugee shuttle, heading for the Gordian Reach.

In the year after the Invasion of Iridonia, the following events took place:

- New identities and forged chain codes was made for them both (Bannon secretly keeps his old identity). They chose the names Vallace and Lorryn.

- The couple was ambushed by slavers on Ladarra, and Lorryn was injured in the fight.

- The two managed to escape the slavers, in an old damaged cargo shuttle. They made it as far as Mogoshyn, where they crash-landed.

- With Lorryn injurred, Mogoshyn had to be their refuge and home. Hiding in the countryside. Bannon built a homestead.

- Bannon learns of a local Imperial Remnant, and decides that enlisting is the only way to keep his family and newborn son safe.

- The Approaching Storm

- A Mother's Sin

- A Fool's Errand

- Kessel Rendezvous: Into the Furnace

To be continued...



This topic was modified 2 years ago 10 times by Darth Bjorn

GM / Faction Leader of ARGO Industries

Posted : 20/02/2023 10:06 am