[Episode III, pt. i...
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[Solved] [Episode III, pt. i] Cruising Over to Astromech Heaven

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  Hayk couldn't resist. His trip to Lianna was two-fold in purpose; he was officially there to stop by Astromech Heaven to look for some Day-after Lifeday sales, but also to look into some rumours of Unistar thugs meandering the streets of the bustling world. Hayk figured that he might as well stop by Fronde's Airspeeders as well, as the newest MandalMotors Luxury speeder had just come into speeder lots across the galaxy. These speeders were so fresh off the press that Hayk actually had to reserve a time for a test-drive. Hayk grinned like a child as a salesperson tossed him some keys for the speeder.

  'Just be careful with her,' the salesperson blurted. 'If you scratch it, you better be bringing enough credits to buy.'

  Hayk had no intention of buying a fancy speeder like this... he would have to sell Yurk Hargin's just to buy the bumper off of this thing. The salesperson led him toward a festively decorated, shiny new speeder. It was a grey, two-seater model, and it had a big red bow tacked to the front.

  The speeder whirred to life as Hayk turned the key. Then, just like that, the speeder was away, with the new and used speeder lot fading away below.

  As Hayk guided the speeder in the general direction of Astromech Heaven, he also kept a lookout for any sign of Unistar Corp's people in the streets. From his experience, he found that it was pretty safe to look for guys with guns in black and yellow armour.


  'There!' Hayk muttered to himself, as he spotted someone who looked oddly like a Unistar employee. He was clad in a dark outfit, and carried a black and yellow sword-staff. And the best part... the guy was walking only a block away from Astromech Heaven.

  Hayk's surveillance wasn't doing much good from this far away, so he suddenly came up with a plan to get a little closer to the Unistar guy. He brought the speeder down close to street-level, then floored the throttle. He took a corner wide, and then he was on a straight stretch. Ahead of him, he saw his target, and a GNK power droid with fading yellow paint, waiting to cross the street. Again, he opened up the accelerator, and sent the speeder careening towards the blissfully unaware bystanders. Hayk swerved around man and droid, pretending like he had almost hit them, and as he passed, he could hear surprised droid noises, and the man hollering at him. Hayk quickly parked the speeder, hopped out, and ran over to the two pedestrians, apologizing profusely.

  'I'm so sorry...' Hayk exclaimed, in the most genuinely concerned tone he could muster. 'Are you okay?'

  The man gave him a good talking to about how he should be more careful, and Hayk nodded and agreed as the man spoke.

  After a bit, Hayk decided to try striking up a conversation with the man, and asked him what he was doing here in Lola Curich.

  'My power droid needs a bit of servicing, so I figured I'd see if Astro Heaven here  could give him a good look over,' the man replied.

  'Oh, really!? I actually run a droid repair shop, and I was just heading to Astro Heaven myself to look for some parts.' Hayk paused, then continued. 'Hey... how about I give your droid a look over; it's the least I could do after nearly running you over. Tell you what, I'll just go grab my tools from my ship, and I'll give your Gonk a good inspection, free of charge.'

  The man agreed, and the three of them walked off down the street, in the general direction of the spaceport.


Some detail shots of the speeder:

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Darth Bjorn
Posted : 31/12/2022 5:44 am
Posts: 302
Reputable Member Followers of the Force Faction Leader

Very sneaky of Hayk - great opportunity to recover any data on that GNK! And a great speeder too.

Posted : 08/01/2023 5:05 pm
Darth Bjorn
Posts: 936
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Posted : 11/01/2023 2:13 pm